[Wyewood] April Business meeting minutes

Wyewood Chronicler Wyewood.Chronicler at antir.org
Sun May 3 20:41:45 PDT 2020

Barony of Wyewood Business Meeting minutes

April 24th, 2020

Start: 7:04pm

End: 7:25pm

Meeting took place using Zoom due to the stay at home order.

-Seneschal Maestra Rosa Marcella opens meeting.

-Sad to announce that Day of Archer is Cancelled. Will check and see if Margaret will want to event steward next years? Or Looking for new event steward bid?

-Champions; need to check in on event. Any updates?

-St. Bubba’s Event steward needs help with event again.

**Need to check on all event’s contract clauses in case of needing to cancel events again.

-Announcement of our two new officers:

  *   HL Gwir verch Merewith-Exchequer
  *   Anneke von Frankenstein-Chatelaine

-Ways to promote during times of stay at home and when its lifted:

  *   Facebook demos
  *   Fights at the parks with the Baron

-Checked on archery field; looking good but will need another mow

-A&S did submits a report. She encourages everyone to check An Tir online classes such as YouTube and kingdom website.

-Rapier had no injuries to report… (chuckles in the meeting) due to no practices happening

-With no events going on, merchants are getting hit hard financially. If you have money saved up for those events you were planning on attending, you can still help the merchants. Online there is a link to the merchants.

-Exchequer report:

  *   Got all the totes and office material from previous officer
  *   1st quarter report to be submitted soon
  *   Signatures got switched over
  *   Balances: see actual report below (sent to Chronicler for minutes)

**Baroness wants to thank Margaret for her hard work at getting Day of Archery together even with it being cancelled. Baroness Aline also wishes us to stay safe and that she misses all of us.

-Don’t forget to support the post office, buy stamps and send out things, if you want a thank you card or note from the Baron and Baroness, please send your address to Wyewood.coronet at antir.org.


Reports sent to the Seneschal and Chronicler prior to online meeting:

Wyewood Exchequer Report for 4/24/2020

Sara de Bonneville has passed on the Exchequer materials to Gwir verch Merewith as of 4/22/2020. Gwir will move forward as Exchequer with Sara to advise. Gwir’s first duties will be to complete the first quarter report for the Kingdom and to facilitate changing signatures on the bank accounts.

Other immediate projects include processing refunds for the Feast of St. Bubba as needed and working with Their Excellencies and our Seneschal for a financial policy to be reviewed by Wyewood’s populace and sent to the Kingdom for approval. Those who pre-registered for the Feast will be contacted soon regarding whether they wish to remain registered or obtain a refund.

As of the end of March, bank balances were as follows:

· Checking - $5,823.76

· Savings - $12,784.55

Gwir verch Merewith

Exchequer, Wyewood


Unto their Excellencies and our Esteemed Seneschal, greetings from Rauthulfr

I have no substantive report for the October 31st, Feast event. There are ongoing conversations, suggestions, and amendment.

There is discussion about an alternative theme for the feast.

There has been a suggestion to take advantage of the day for decorating and festive costuming.

Nothing substantive has been decided, but folks are starting to come up with fun ideas.





It has been pointed out to me that there are many individual A&S pursuits happening in our time of seclusion.There is no way for me to be able to include your efforts and accomplishments in an A&S Report without your sharing them with me!

My activities have been virtual spin ins, a virtual weaving, and much time with ordering threads for tablet weaving... You?

You can present your activities virtually at Friday's business meeting, reply to this email, or to Wyewood.Artsnsci at antir.org

For my challenge to the list for our virtual A&S activities during these isolated times I had three responses.

  *   Master Rauthulfr:

                Translating is only head spinning. I've been working on Hymiskviða The Lay of Hymir, since            October. I have the translation roughed out and I'm over a third into the discussion and       commentary. Here's a lovely snippet

                Bað hlunngota    hafra dróttinn    ...   áttrunn apa    utar færa

                Literally: The lord of goats bade the descendant of apes to row the roller-stallion further out.

                (Thórr asked the giant Hymir to row the boat out farther.)

                [strophe 20: 1-4]

  *   HL Gwir:

                I took a virtual class on Opus Anglicanum embroidery. And I'm reading a book that is kind of a      pre-learning for research I want to do.

  *   Lady Vilda

                I have been working one a pink ombre lucet cord, which I plan to lucet into a thicker black cord, with hanging beads. No, I do not know what I will be doing with the finished piece, but when has           that ever stopped me?

  *   Sofia:

                Many virtual meetings around fibers, including one Sable Lion Weavers “Weaving Wednesdays.”

                Didn’t respond, but I did note that HE Evrard has been very busy with some lovely leather              work….

Thank you!


Not a whole heck of a lot has happened due to our lovely friend Covid 19.

Hob and I did participate in a non-SCA historical fencing lecture by Tim Rivera author of the Godinho translation, I found the lecture interesting, but I would have benefitted from more visuals on the fencing style due to my personal learning style.

In Service,

Dearbhail ingean ui Dhonnchaidh, OGGS, GdS, JdL

Provost to Master Martyn Baxter

Wyewood Rapier Marshal

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