[Wyewood] March Business meeting minutes

Wyewood Chronicler Wyewood.Chronicler at antir.org
Sun May 3 20:36:14 PDT 2020

Barony of Wyewood business meeting minutes

March 27th, 2020

Start: 7pm

End: 7:32pm

Meeting took place using Teams messenger due to the stay at home order.

-Seneschal Maestra Rosa Marcella opened the meeting.

  *   Kingdom online meetings available. Quick way to tell about events and is aligned with social media guidelines.

-Voting of our two new officers:

  *   Annika-for Chatelaine
  *   Gwir-for Exchequer

-Day of Archery still happening. Will reassess in May for any event updates

-Feast of St. Bubba date announced to be Oct. 31st, 2020. Looking at Halloween themed??

-no updates currently for 12th night. Need to set up meeting.

-Arts and Sciences are still happening, lots of virtual classes online that anyone can attend.

-Bubbas 2021 needs an event steward-looking for bids.

-Saddened to hear that a couple of events have been canceled/postponed:

  *   Egils-cancelled
  *   May crown moved

-Event updates:

  *   Antonio’s bid with Champions. Needs help with getting crier being submitted. May deadline.

Possible combining of events with other baronies??

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