[Wyewood] January Business meeting minutes take two

Wyewood Chronicler Wyewood.Chronicler at antir.org
Tue Feb 18 09:37:21 PST 2020

Barony of Wyewood Business Meeting

January 24th, 2020

Time start: 7:21 pm

Time end: 8:37 pm

# of attendance: 19

Officer Reports:

Seneschal (Master Martyn Baxter)

  *   Branch business update
     *   Feast of ST bubba
     *   Day of Archery
     *   12th night 2021
  *   Officer Addition
     *   None Currently
  *   Officer vacancies
     *   Chatelaine
        *   Potential candidate(s)
           *   Anneke von Frankenstein
  *   Seneschal meeting 12th night
     *   W9’s and why they are important
        *   To be given to those who offer services or goods, also known as vendors, for the Barony(s). Up to $600 for tax purpose write offs.

Exchequer (Mistress Sara de Bonneville)

  *   Bank balances- Approx. $16860 as of this meeting. Ended the year at about $18500.
  *   Office term is coming to an end. Training and transition is going well. Gwir will take over at the end of the term.
  *   Year end report will get finished this weekend.
  *   2020 budget was approved.
  *   Financial policy is being revamped.

Arts & Sciences (HL Sofia de Toledo)

  *   The only "formal" A&S activities in December were the FCS activities of a (continued) offering of a banner painting class by Lady Vashti, and music and dance provided and led by Maestra Sara.
  *   No A&S activities happened in January.
  *   (Sofia did visit Vashti and got a personal class on starting a project and has since finished it. It will be introduced at the Business Meeting.) Culinary activities are ramping up in planning for St Bubba's, and a proposed Charter for a Wyewood Culinary Guild is being put forward. An updated draft will be sent to the Officers on 1/23.
  *   February class will continue in the teaching of the silk banner/fan painting.
  *   Looking for what days would be good for dance classes that would work for everyone interested.
  *   Don’t forget to check out the Kingdom A&S coming up in March.

Chamberlain (Lord Rasmus Ravnsson)

  *   Stuff still in locker and new tubs are being used.

Chatelaine (vacant)

  *   Still need office filled. Did have a new person attend business meeting, move up from Caid.

Chronicler (Hafpora Kristna)

  *   Got the Winter Edition sent out at the end of December. (If you couldn’t get ahold of a copy, I would be more than happy to get a copy for you). Working on next newsletter coming out at the end of February. Decide to release newsletters every two months with deadlines around the 2nd weekend of the second month of release. I encourage anyone to submit articles, poems, drawings, projects, photos or anything SCA related.
  *   Ideas were passed around at the meeting of things that would work for submission to the newsletter, ex. Bites with the Baroness-recipes from the Baroness.

Family Activities Coordinator (HL Aurora Prindel)

  *   Not present at the meeting

Herald (Friderich von Werla)

  *   Not present at the meeting

Marshal: Archery (Arcos Tymme Lytefellow)

  *   Archery practices have been happening despite the weather's best attempts to cause cancelations. Also, I will be trying to get Wyewood's archery and thrown weapons medallions from Arthur at Ursalmas so we can plan to hand them out at Feast. I will need to buy rope soon, and possibly a tarp or 2.

Marshal: Rapier (Arcos Dearbhail inghean Donnchaid)

  *   We continue to have between 3 and 5 people at practice, and multiple different people. Still hoping for the perfect storm when everyone shows up at the same time.
  *   8 people showed up on Sunday.
  *   Dearbhail is working on getting her Senior marshal card.

Marshal: Safety (HL Donatello Asino)

  *   No report at this time

Scribe (Lord Mikial Aldrich)

  *   Continuously looking for placed to host scribal socials. Kingdom charters were given to paint and painted baronial charters turned in by my deputy.

Social Media Officer (Arcos Avine de Hert)

  *   Both the Feast of St. Bubba and Day of Archery Facebook events are up and running.

No spam posts, no major issues to my knowledge.

Webster (Lord Geoffrey of the Reeds)

  *   Will not be present at meeting but sent in a report. Some updates have been made to website. There haven’t been any unusual activities to report.

Baron and Baroness (Alarich Von Thorn, Aline Swynbroke)

  *   12th night had a productive meeting for landed estate, accessibility for courts- more accessible.
     *   Mic’ing court, projection training, live streaming
  *   Home fires for February-not attending any events in February, being more available for the populace. Will then be attending Kingdom A&S and Feast of St. Bubba in March, following Baroness War and Madrone A&S in April and then May Crown in May.

Old Business

  *   Customary Rewrite in process
  *   Financial policy in process
  *   Looking for potential Event steward for youth event

New Business

  *   Demo ideas and planning
  *   Need bid for Champions
  *   Proposed Wyewood Culinary Guild Charter- was read aloud in meeting. Added Rauthulfr to founding members. Charter finalized; Wyewood Culinary Guild is official.


Close out

  *   none

In progress

  *   Feast of St Bubba-on Facebook, in the crier and on the calendar.
  *   Madrone/Wyewood 12th night event (Arcos John de Percy, Baroness Spike  Zoetart)- hotel reservations will be posted in a week or so.
  *   Day of Archery
     *   Facebook page for Day of Archery is live. We are looking for teachers: archery, thrown weapons and A&S. A&S classes do not need to be archery related.


  *   Ursulmas
  *   Baron and Baroness award recommendation-still looking for recommendations to prepare for Feast of St. Bubba.
  *   3 new Kingdom awards. Check OP to recommend those who do not have awards.

Appendix: Written Reports from Officers

  *   Have you ever wanted to be an event steward?
Want to try one out that we ha e a huge support team for you?
Come and run our Baronial champion event!!
There is a bunch of us willing to help coach you, even I have helped and ran this event. It is a very excellent event to try out.

Master Martyn Baxter
-Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood

  *   Greetings from Rauthulfr

At this Friday’s FCS we’ll be kicking off the two-month mark prior to the event. Hopefully, some of the folks who oversee stuff at the event will be able to come and let us know where they are in planning. I have nothing new to report aside from a few points. Most significantly, we are in the Crier. Secondarily, we’ve made the initial posting of the event through both lists and FB pages. A request has been made by the kitchen team for a walk through, but we have received no response from Auburn parks.

I know that A&S plans are in the works. Is anything else well into the planning stage?


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