[Wyewood] November Business Mtg Minutes
Jennifer Usher
one.true.sword at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 17:09:13 PST 2018
*Barony of Wyewood – Baronial Business Meeting *Baron Evrard and Baroness
Seneschal Lady Liadain
*November 30th, 2018*
Start Time: _7:24pm___ End Time: __7:57pm__
# of people: 25 ppl
*Seneschal Report – Liadain *
Had application for Seneschal, Warder Martyn
He addressed the populace and will email the list for commentary.
*Exchequer Report – Sara*
We haven’t heard back from Dragon’s Laire regarding revenue from June Faire.
3rd Quarter Report was submitted.
We have funds for events. As a Barony, we need 3 events on the Calendar,
we only
have 1 current, Feast of St. Bubba and tentative one, Wyewood Champions –
but no event Steward.
We paid the P.O. Box.
*Arts & Sciences Report – Sofia*
November has been the typically busy beginning of the frantic end of year
activities. Our participation in ongoing activities has been down, because
we have all been otherwise occupied!
Fiber/A&S Support night was held the 7th, with a dedicated 4 showing up…
FCS class on the 9h was Norse Wire Weaving II, by HL Tomas macDonnchaidh,
with only one pick up who missed the first class. HL Tomas will be doing
another follow up to ensure successful grasping of techniques and
completion of the projects begun.
Wyewood had 13 attendees at Collegium (I think – close, anyway!). Both HL
Aline and HL Rauthulfr took Apprentices (Tabby and Meesia). Yeah for
Apprentice Challenge – over to HL Aline!
There was one Sewing Night in November (see above), with 5 participants.
The Dance Class was held, with 6 participants.
Culinary was held on the 25th to firm up Feast plans, there were 4
participants and two guests to sample and vote on results.
Events/Activities to come:
FCS Class on 12/14 will be a trio of largess inspirations by HL Aurora, and
Ladies Sybil and Gwir
Fiber/A&S Support night: 12/5
Dance Classes: Will restart in January
Sewing Nights: Maybe the 10th?
Culinary: Not in December!
*Herald/Pursuivant Report – Alarich *
It’s been a different month. Worked on some heraldry and consulting with a
name issue.
1 named has passed, Meryld’s (from Wyewood)
Alarich is offering some books in his library to look at that are
Has some different type of arms that you may have not seen before.
*Archery Report – Tymme*
*** Office seeking applicants for Chief Archer*
Archery practice is still happening, weather permitting, as is thrown
weapons. We have a small amount of maintenance to do. The range is in
need of a mow, but I’m afraid it’s now waiting for the end of the rainy
** Need help writing on “bow socks” and miscellaneous things.
I’m not aware of any applications for Chief Archer so far.
*Rapier Report – Ramon*
Rapier practice is happening at Kennydale on Sundays.
3-4 ppl regularly attend
*Chatelaine Report – Tabytha *
Tabby will not be at FCS. Nothing new to report at this.
*Webster Report – Geoffrey*
Hackers have slowed down a bit.
*Chronicler Report – Emma *
I am looking for a deputy to help out. (Gwir has offered to assist)
I must apologized, the Newsletter has been delayed, I am almost done with
it but my work life has intereferred.
*Baronage – Baron Evrard and Baroness Alessandra *Kingdom appreciated our
Going to a lot of upcoming Yule Events.
Largess is always welcomed. ** But please put tags (who made) so they know.
His Excellency is attending Dragonslaire on 1st .
Her Excellency is attending Tri-Baronial on 1st and Glymm Mere on 8th
*Heavy Fighting – Baronial Marshal – Office Vacant*
*Future Events and Other Business*
*Feast of St. Bubba *
*– Event Steward – Gwir Head Cook – Aline February 9th 2019 *Volunteers
needed! 😊 We are looking for Gate Crew, Kitchen needs cleanup and servers.
Also adopt a table for decorating and much more.
Pre-registration for the Feast of St. Bubba begins Saturday 12/1/18
*Feast of St. Bubba and Wyewood Sergeantry Trials*
*Saturday, February 9, 2019*
9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Auburn Senior Activity Center
808 9th St SE, Auburn, WA 98002
Pre-reg will be in early December (Liadain to will do pre-registration)
In mid-November, Feast menu.
Culinary Guild is currently working on St. Bubba a feast, this is the
Facebook page we are currently using for organizing purposes.
There will be a Dessert Auction with more details to come. Emma will be
Dessert Organizer.
* December FCS *
December 14th – Friday
December 28th – Friday
*12th Night January 11th – 13th 2019*
Warder Martyn is getting elevated to Master of Defense.
*Do you want to run an event?*
The Barony needs 3 events per year. At this time we have only one.
If you have questions or interested – please don’t hesitate. Being an
event steward can be a lot of fun.
1) Feast on the 9th of February.
*tentatively* August 10th, we have a date saved for Champions but no bid
and no event steward.
*End of meeting 7:57pm*
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