[Wyewood] Serjeantry Candidates and Others - do you want to practice dance?

Tanayle Haga tanayle.haga at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 08:39:40 PST 2018


I need all the practice I can get, but I probably can't spare the time
before Christmas, as I am moving over the next couple weeks, starting
After that, I am motivated to do as much dance as I can get to, especially
if there's carpooling involved.


On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 4:45 PM Sara de Bonneville via Wyewood <
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:

> To any and all Serjeantry candidates ...
> Would you like to practice your dance skills before St. Bubba's and your
> trials?
> (Item 1)
> I have submitted a request to reserve the Valley View Library meeting
> room for January 17.
> I have two fun new English Country dances to inflict ... er, bestow ...
> on you.  Really, they are fun dances, not too complex -- about a 3 on a
> scale of 5.  We can also practice the dances that you have selected for
> your serjeants trials.
> And as always --- we need people to dance, so that the candidates can
> practice teaching.  So please, if this sounds like fun, come dance.
> (Item 2)
> If any candidates would like to practice, learn, or practice teaching in
> addition to that (Jan 17), I can host a small dance "party" at my home
> (corner of Kent/DesMoines/SeaTac).  Please let myself or Martyn know.
> Some week-nights might work, or the following weekends:
>      I am free this coming weekend (Dec 15-16),
>      or the weekend between the holidays (Dec 29-30),
>      or the weekend after New year (Jan 5-6).
> Come practice for Serjeants ... or come practice for the 12th Night Ball
> (Saturday Night - Masked Ball).  The first two sets are all relatively
> easy dances, but you might want some familiarity with the dances of the
> 3rd set.  If you would like ideas for making masks, I have about 8-10
> masks made up, a glue gun and a ton of supplies in my garage.
> Contact me at this address:  sbonnevi at wamail.net.  Or contact Warder
> Martyn  --- if I have at least 2-3 people for any date, I will schedule
> it,.
> (Item 3)
> And if anyone has any ideas for other free meeting space that we can use
> for dance practice, please let myself or Martyn know.  King Co Libraries
> are generally a free space, and since we are doing a
> recreational/cultural activity, we fit their criteria.  I would like to
> find a larger room if possible.  Current Valley View Library has listed
> capacity of 49 ... I find that it has room for about 8 people dancing.
> We have not out-grown that space (yet), but it is prudent to look about.
>   Possibilities that I have found include:
>      - Federal Way @ 320th - capacity 80 (or about double the space we
> have now)
>      - Federal Way Regional - capacity 40 and 90
>      - Burien Library Multipurpose Room - capacity 100
>      - Renton Highlands - Capacity 96
>      - Maple Valley - Capacity 110
>      - Kent Regional Library - Capacity 191 ... possible "Day of Dance"
> space?
> Or if you have suggestion of a better day for dance practice?  I am
> booked on Tuesdays, and other area dance practices (to which I normally
> go) are on:
>      - 1st Thursday - Port de l-Eau, Kirkland
>      - 2nd Monday - Madrona, Kapka School in Seattle
> So - let me know if you would like an extra practice in December/Early
> January, or if you have ideas for a better meeting space.  If we have a
> larger space, then perhaps the fiber arts folks would join us?
> Thank you for your attention
> Sara de Bonneville
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