[Wyewood] Serjeantry Candidates and Others - do you want to practice dance?
sbonnevi at wamail.net
sbonnevi at wamail.net
Tue Dec 11 15:32:45 PST 2018
To any and all Serjeantry candidates ...
Would you like to practice your dance skills before St. Bubba's and your
(Item 1)
I have submitted a request to reserve the Valley View Library meeting
room for January 17.
I have two fun new English Country dances to inflict ... er, bestow ...
on you. Really, they are fun dances, not too complex -- about a 3 on a
scale of 5. We can also practice the dances that you have selected for
your serjeants trials.
And as always --- we need people to dance, so that the candidates can
practice teaching. So please, if this sounds like fun, come dance.
(Item 2)
If any candidates would like to practice, learn, or practice teaching in
addition to that (Jan 17), I can host a small dance "party" at my home
(corner of Kent/DesMoines/SeaTac). Please let myself or Martyn know.
Some week-nights might work, or the following weekends:
I am free this coming weekend (Dec 15-16),
or the weekend between the holidays (Dec 29-30),
or the weekend after New year (Jan 5-6).
Come practice for Serjeants ... or come practice for the 12th Night Ball
(Saturday Night - Masked Ball). The first two sets are all relatively
easy dances, but you might want some familiarity with the dances of the
3rd set. If you would like ideas for making masks, I have about 8-10
masks made up, a glue gun and a ton of supplies in my garage.
Contact me at this address: sbonnevi at wamail.net. Or contact Warder
Martyn --- if I have at least 2-3 people for any date, I will schedule
(Item 3)
And if anyone has any ideas for other free meeting space that we can use
for dance practice, please let myself or Martyn know. King Co Libraries
are generally a free space, and since we are doing a
recreational/cultural activity, we fit their criteria. I would like to
find a larger room if possible. Current Valley View Library has listed
capacity of 49 ... I find that it has room for about 8 people dancing.
We have not out-grown that space (yet), but it is prudent to look about.
Possibilities that I have found include:
- Federal Way @ 320th - capacity 80 (or about double the space we
have now)
- Federal Way Regional - capacity 40 and 90
- Burien Library Multipurpose Room - capacity 100
- Renton Highlands - Capacity 96
- Maple Valley - Capacity 110
- Kent Regional Library - Capacity 191 ... possible "Day of Dance"
Or if you have suggestion of a better day for dance practice? I am
booked on Tuesdays, and other area dance practices (to which I normally
go) are on:
- 1st Thursday - Port de l-Eau, Kirkland
- 2nd Monday - Madrona, Kapka School in Seattle
So - let me know if you would like an extra practice in December/Early
January, or if you have ideas for a better meeting space. If we have a
larger space, then perhaps the fiber arts folks would join us?
Thank you for your attention
Sara de Bonneville
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