[Wyewood] Remember to pre-register for the Feast of St. Bubba!

Kris John gwir.sca at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 06:52:26 PST 2018

Pre-registrations for the Feast are filling up fast - we're close to 50%
full already! Now's the time to get in and secure your spot.

If you've already submitted your form online, please be sure to send your
check within 7 days. Our gate person will also be at FCS tomorrow (12/14)
to accept payment.

There's going to be so much to do!

Dance! Our own Sara de Bonneville will be teaching at least one class.
PLUS, our Sergeantry candidates will be teaching as part of their trials -
you too can be part of the trials and support their efforts.

Dessert! Join us to raise money for the regalia fund. We encourage you to
bring a dessert to be auctioned or bring your cash to bid. Yum! Yum!

Create! A table with simple largesse kits will be available to exercise
your creative muscles. Plus, stock the Barony's coffers! If you'd like to
sponsor a kit, please contact the Event Steward Gwir (gwir.sca at gmail.com)

In service,

Gwir ferch John

Event Steward


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