[Wyewood] Position Opening: Chief Archer/Branch Marshal

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Aug 13 23:47:36 PDT 2016

Greetings unto the list!
Years ago when archery first restarted in the shire of Wyewood I began as
the Chief Archer but then gave up the position to become the shire's
Herald.  Harald Warrocker graciously stepped in to complete my term and
begin his own.
Well it seems history is repeating itself as now that I am due to be
invested as the next Baron of Wyewood I have to leave my position as Chief
Archer/ Branch Marshal.

The key position to replace is Branch Marshal as that is the one that must
report to kingdom about marshal activities in Wyewood.  Technically the
report currently says "No branch armored combat  activities at this time"
they want the paperwork so we can be a barony!
In practice Chief Archer is the necessary officer as our archery activities
are frequent with a summertime schedule of twice weekly practices and
events.  This is likely the most demanding of positions in the branch and
dare I say most rewarding!  Know that the rest of the TAMs and others have
always been there in support of the Chief Archer, with coordinating
marshaling schedules

So, if you are interested in becoming the next Chief Archer please send an
email to myself or the Seneschal (for now) Alessandra de Montefeltro or
Their Excellencies Robert and Gabrielle.

It has been an honor to serve in this position twice now and someday I hope
to do so again.
Evrard de Valogne

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