[Wyewood] Archery Recap for Wyewood Champions
David Keil via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Aug 13 21:23:47 PDT 2016
Greetings Archers of Wyewood!
Well a week has passed and I had the time to process an amazing event.
I wanted to give a small recap of some very notable things at the event.
First off a huge thank you to Geoffrey of the Reeds for the brand new
thrown weapons targets. They look great and the knives and axes were
sticking really well. He also set up the range and competed as well for
Thrown Weapons Champion!
Also in range maintenance Tymme, Avine and Rachel graciously opened their
home so we could work on the archery butts and get some refurbished for the
event and also get new target faces set up.
A lot of things happen behind the scenes to make an event run smoothly!
The list for Archery Champion was four competitors, Annora, Geoffrey,
Gervais and Eodain (Debra.) Several others were already champions or were
stepping into other duties so could not compete so shot alongside those
vying for Champion.
Eight archers shot the IKAC round and amongst the competition Geoffrey
stood tall by one point! ONE!
Then it was time for the novelty shoots put together by outgoing champion
Daffydd de Doake where Geoffrey again scored highest, this time the margin
was four points. This set the stage for the timed ends with a split target
(a line down the middle of the target where the archer must shoot only one
side of the target face. Anything over the line doesn't count.)
Geoffrey was able to defeat Annora and Gervais narrowly escaped Eodain's
spirited shooting to set up the final round!
Over thirty seconds twice at the split target our archers shot as quickly
and as accurately as Wyewood Archers can. In the end, with the coronets
observing and then later judging the scoring declared that the victor and
the next champion of Archery for Wyewood would be...
Geoffrey of the Reeds!
In court he was invested as Champion and somewhere along the way he also
was made a member of La Compangie du Cutel, Company of the Knife for
excellence in a marshal skill. Well deserved and welcome to the Company!
For Thrown Weapons Klaufi (Klaw) was victorious and was also invested as
Champion. Huzzah!
After the event it was amazing to look at the site what felt like moments
after taking down the range and discover so much already taken down that
everyone was off site in an hour after closing court.
So thank you to all who came, all who shot, the marshals who kept us safe
and especially those who set up and took down all the things that made
Champions spectacular.
Believe it or not there were scores recorded so...
To the Scores!
Inter Kingdom Archery Competition:
Annora: 94 (Royal Rounds 37 & 52)
Wulfwyn: 159 (RR 55 & 57)
Geoffrey: 198 (RR 66 & 88)
Gervais: 197 (RR 80 & 85)
Eaodain: 50 (RR 15 & 23)
Evrard : 226 (RR 87 & 92)
John: 206 (RR 73 & 80)
Period Crossbow
Tymme: 236 (84 & 92)
Royal Rounds (Not shot in IKAC)
Johann: 55
Gervais: 87
Wulfwyn: 58
Period Crossbow:
Tymme: 86
Period Longbow:
Wulfwyn: 48
In Service,
Evrard de Valogne
Chief Archer of Wyewood
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