[Wyewood] Banner War is coming

'Diane Percefull' via Wyewood list via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Aug 14 00:38:14 PDT 2016

 Greetings The murmurs are starting as the big tourney season is coming to an end.Households are grumbling about who is the bestWell come, bring your banner, household and all you can gather and settle this at Banner War in Aquaterra September 16 - 18 at the beautiful Masonic park And when the war is over come celebrate  Aquaterra's 20 years as a Barony at the tavern, there may be some you have not seen in ages. Bring your stories and memories to share.
War points will be listed soon on the Kingdom Calendar for the event.But here is a heads up on one of the war points.The household that brings the most largess will win a war point.    Items must be largess appropriate and can be for all ages. If you have questions, please contact me and I will help you all I can
Yep one of the Sargent Autocrats of this years Banner War "20 Year"YISHL Adeliza a Donyng Courtier to Their Excellency's  Baron Bryson and Baroness  Angharad of Aquaterra, An TirLady-in-waiting Apprentice to Master Raymond von dem LowengrabVeneur -3rd level Hunt Persona

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