[Wyewood] Seeking recommendations for the Wyeknot
robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Nov 5 17:09:10 PST 2015
Greetings onto the Barony of Wyewood.
We are coming upon our winter feast. During this time we
traditionally give out Wyewoods highest award. The Wyeknot.
We do not have to give one out each year, but we'd really,
really, really, like to.
The Wyeknot is given out for long and dedicated activity in
the Barony for Martial, A&S, or Service. Or, any combination of
the three. A similar award in Madrone is the Red Branch.
In Blatha An Oir it is similar to the L’Ordre du Gaunt d’Or.
One of the "requirements" of the Wyeknot is: "Wyewood just
wouldn't be the same without them here." Don't worry about
if the person you recommend may not have some of our
lower awards. Since we are new, we will be doing some of
this "out of order" for a while. ;{)
The members of the Order of the Wyeknot, Myself and
her excellency are waiting to hear from you.
Also, if you know of anyone who is deserving of recognition
for any award, or a Piece of the True Wye, please contact us
before January.
Thank you!
In Service
Robert and Gabrielle, Baron and Baroness of Wyewood
Could someone please forward this to the Blatha An Oir list
for me? Thank you!
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