[Wyewood] Project Day at Constantinople - Sunday 10/08 (Start time 1PM)
'Jason Pfafman' via Wyewood list via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Nov 5 18:58:16 PST 2015
Greetings unto the Barony of Wyewood:
We have decided that since we will not be making the Kingdom Feast this weekend, we will throw open our doors (except to certain Vikings) for Project Day at Constantinople. Please mark your calendars for this Sunday (10/8), beginning at 1PM.
Bring your project to work on, or just bring yourself to be social for awhile. We have enough room for sewing, scribal, and other hand projects. If you need directions to the manor, please drop me a line and I will get them to you.
Yours in Service,
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