[Wyewood] A&S Championship at the Feast of St. Bubba
M Wolfe via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Nov 5 15:19:18 PST 2015
Greetings from Master Rauthulfr, Wyewood Arts & Sciences Champion
First, I offer apologies for this rather tardy announcement, I have faced a
number of health issues in the past months which have proved much more of a
distraction than I had hoped.
The Wyewood A&S Championship is approaching. This year at the Feast of St.
Bubba on January 16th, someone will become Wyewood's Newest A&S Champion.
Might that new champion be you? Might your project be the one which achieves
the highest accolades and wins for you a place in the court of Their Most
Esteemed Excellencies? Indeed, someone will attain that high honor, and yes
through your efforts, skill, and presentation, that could indeed be you.
Of course, there are requirements you must meet, and challenges faced before
you can take your place among the other Wyewood Champions.
Are you perhaps unsure what categories are acceptable for an Arts & Sciences
entry? The Kingdom of Calontir has a wonderful and broad list from which to
choose. (Although, entries from the dramatic and performing arts should be
reserved for the Baronial Bardic Championship.)
Perhaps the most important thing is to keep in mind that the project you
enter is in-and-of itself an achievement. The display and presentation of
your work is a celebration of your craft and what you learned. Be proud of
your work!
Prior to the event, please be so good as to announce your intention of
entering to Their Most Esteemed Excellencies prior to the first of the year.
At the event, your project will be displayed for the populace prior to
Ultimately, your project will be presented to the judges. Your project is an
achievement, share that!
Here's a useful resource page:
Here is a breakdown of the judging.
Display 5 points: Can the populace learn about your project from the manner
in which it is set out?
Books and references are welcome.
Labels and pictures can help explain what you have accomplished.
If it is a complex project such as illumination, food, or clothing,
are there examples to display the process or ingredients?
Oral Presentation 10 points: To be a Champion is more than the act of
creation alone, it requires the ability to explain and demonstrate what you
have done.
Be willing to answer questions from the Populace before the judging
Help your listeners understand your achievement, and learn about
what you have accomplished.
Help your listeners understand your process.
Written Documentation 15 points: Create something that will help us learn
about your project if you are not there to answer basic questions.
What is it?
What time or place is it from?
What references did you use?
Where did you get your supplies?
How did you organize your project, and what steps did you go
Documentation can be intimidating, here's some help:
Authenticity 10 points: Is it a period thing?
Are period materials used with departures from period explained?
Does it look like a period thing?
Workmanship 40 points: Is it well made?
Is it well thought out?
Is it made with skill?
Was it put together with neatness and precision?
Was attention paid to the finishing touches?
Appearance 10 points: Does it look right?
Bonus 10 points: Excellence counts
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