[Wyewood] Request for donations to travel with the Baroness on her travels
Heather Lazzaretti via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Dec 15 22:52:12 PST 2015
It has been pointed out that I forgot to mention while I will be there,
and sending stuff to get there by Thursday would be appreciated, the
meeting is actually not totally open. Sorry sorry sorry.
On 12/15/2015 10:45 PM, Heather Lazzaretti via Wyewood wrote:
> I have been invited to dine and enjoy the company at my Noble Cousin
> Grim's feast hall this Saturday, and I am delighted to report I have
> found my lands in such order that I am confident to travel knowing my
> people are kind, happy, and industrious.
> His barony has graciously given us opportunity to give succor to those
> in need in his lands that his generous hand has not yet reached. There
> will be a food drive, as well as a drive for scarves and gloves for
> those in need as the weather becomes even more chill in his far lands.
> I would very much like to show the bounty and generousity of my much
> beloved barony by adding to their stores.
> I will be in attendance at the home of Lady Symonne to plan for the
> glorious Feast of St. Bubba on Thursday. Please let contributions to
> the cause wend their way there, that I might carry them on to the
> lands of the Dragon's Mist to aid their needy.
> In loving service,
> Baroness Gabrielle Lepinay
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