[Wyewood] YAC Practice
SARAH Maiser via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed Dec 16 12:52:40 PST 2015
We are planning to have a kids practice in Seattle at the Monday night fighter practice on Dec 28th. The KapKa school is located at 510 N 49th St, Seattle, Washington 98103. The building usually open around 7 pm. Since the kids are out of school we won't have to worry around homework and bedtimes so it's the perfect time to slip in a practice. Bring what ever gear you have and we'll sort thru what works. We'll put as may kids in armor as we can and will have the rest of the kids practice with the Public Particapation Weapons. This is a great chance to warm up for Ursalmas in Jan and work out some of that extra no school energy. A parent or guardian must be in the building with their children at all times.
Sarah Pixie
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