[Wyewood] Request for donations to travel with the Baroness on her travels

Heather Lazzaretti via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Dec 15 22:45:11 PST 2015

I have been invited to dine and enjoy the company at my Noble Cousin 
Grim's feast hall this Saturday, and I am delighted to report I have 
found my lands in such order that I am confident to travel knowing my 
people are kind, happy, and industrious.

His barony has graciously given us opportunity to give succor to those 
in need in his lands that his generous hand has not yet reached. There 
will be a food drive, as well as a drive for scarves and gloves for 
those in need as the weather becomes even more chill in his far lands. I 
would very much like to show the bounty and generousity of my much 
beloved barony by adding to their stores.

I will be in attendance at the home of Lady Symonne to plan for the 
glorious Feast of St. Bubba on Thursday. Please let contributions to the 
cause wend their way there, that I might carry them on to the lands of 
the Dragon's Mist to aid their needy.

In loving service,

Baroness Gabrielle Lepinay

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