[Wyewood] Archery Report for 8/26/15

robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Aug 28 09:16:53 PDT 2015


Congratulations to Ekaterina on her interest and
her amazing and I suspect budding talent. Well done!

Baron Robert Trinitie TCh

> Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 17:50:11 -0700
> To: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
> Subject: [Wyewood] Archery Report for 8/26/15
> From: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
> Yesterday we enjoyed likely one of few sunny days left at least in this
> week.  18 archers took the line and then later we had our business meeting
> for the barony.  Many thanks to Tymme for providing the 2nd day shade as
> always!
> It's always fun to watch a person blossom from a beginning archer who is
> just learning to shoot to someone who is committed to shooting better.
> Ekaterina (Kat) came along in late May to Wyewood and just enjoyed watching
> the arrows fly.  Now, she has her own bow and arrows and is scoring Royal
> Rounds and her first score ever was an IKAC!  Looking forward to see her
> progress before she joins the US Navy in October.
> To the Scores!
> Ekaterina: 61 - First Royal Round, wow!
> Gwalchgwrap (Gawin): 49
> Sebdhean: 38
> Longbow:
> Tymme: 52
>  Dearbhail: 78 
> Period Open:
> Evrard: 70
> Period Crossbow:
> Evrard: 94
> Senior Youth:
> Irene: 49
> In Service:
> Evrard de Valogne
> Chief Archer of Wyewood


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