[Wyewood] Archery Report for 8/26/15

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Aug 27 17:50:11 PDT 2015

Yesterday we enjoyed likely one of few sunny days left at least in this
week.  18 archers took the line and then later we had our business meeting
for the barony.  Many thanks to Tymme for providing the 2nd day shade as

It's always fun to watch a person blossom from a beginning archer who is
just learning to shoot to someone who is committed to shooting better.
Ekaterina (Kat) came along in late May to Wyewood and just enjoyed watching
the arrows fly.  Now, she has her own bow and arrows and is scoring Royal
Rounds and her first score ever was an IKAC!  Looking forward to see her
progress before she joins the US Navy in October.

To the Scores!

Ekaterina: 61 - First Royal Round, wow!

Gwalchgwrap (Gawin): 49

Sebdhean: 38


Tymme: 52

Dearbhail: 78

Period Open:

Evrard: 70

Period Crossbow:

Evrard: 94

Senior Youth:

Irene: 49

In Service:

Evrard de Valogne

Chief Archer of Wyewood

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