[Wyewood] Archery Report for 8/22/15

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Aug 27 17:16:53 PDT 2015

This summer has blessed us some of the best weather I have witnessed in
some time.  Some days a little crispy but it for archers it sure beats
rain!  For the second practice in a row we had 30 archers attend in
addition to throwers and rapier participants.  Great signs of a healthy
branch, thank you for coming out!

If you are a newer archer in Wyewood most likely you were coached by Lady
Avine.  She does this so easily and naturally, showing form, drawing and
release techniques.  I am always grateful for all the marshals but even
more so for those who take a moment to advise and encourage our new archers.

To the Scores!


John de Percy: 74

Tymme Lyefelow: 60

Evrard de Valogne: 93

Gabrielle de Lepinay: 21

Johann Fairhand: 39

Gervias Blakglove: 91

Sebdhan: 56


Evrard de Valogne: 73


Tymme: 99

Avine: 48

Period Crossbow:

Avine: 50

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