[Wyewood] Archery Practice for 8/29

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Aug 27 14:19:03 PDT 2015

Greetings Archers,

As most of you know Wyewood has a historic day coming up, the first
Sargentry Trials for the barony.  Whoever succeeds in these trials have the
honor of being the premier class for Wyewood and will set an example for
all time.

Sadly I had lots of real life pop up so I cannot participate or attend so I
want to encourage all who can to travel north and support the candidates by
cheering them on and helping however you serve best!

Our baroness has graciously given us special dispensation to hold an
archery practice on the 29th, same time and place as always.  So those of
us left guarding the lands will train and hone our craft so that the
defense of our barony is ever stronger.

There is a "Weather Watch" in effect as rain is in the forecast starting
Friday.  Notice will be given by 9am Saturday of the practice's status.

Again, support the candidates in their trials, come to practice if you

In Service,

Evrard de Valogne

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