[Wyewood] Sound Sergeantry

Heather Lazzaretti via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Aug 27 18:28:21 PDT 2015

Amazing fun at the event this weekend!  Archery and Thrown Weapons 
ranges will be open 1 to 5 Saturday. If you havn't seen the Sable Rose 
Equestion Challenge, you really should go see it. And a rapier 
Tournament 1 PM Saturday.

The potluck has been opened from invite only. Lord Xenos is making his 
amazing  apple pork loin, and contributions of side dishes and desserts 
(especially desserts) needed. Lacy Vilda is the potluck co-ordinator.

Site fee for the weekend is $15, $10 day fee Saturday.

Gate help is requested, as it help with set up and tear down.

Petitions for Wyewood Sergeantry welcome starting at the 8:30 court.  
Please come speak to me or Robert, or send an e-mail if you expect to 

And Chariot Demo Sunday! How cool is that?

Thank you all for all you have contributed.

Baroness Gabri


3:00 PM           Gate & site open

7:00 PM          Written testing (Bonnie Cole Hall)

10:00 PM        Gate closes


7:30 AM          Gate opens

8:30 AM          Wyewood Court

Sergeantry Testing begins following Court- Wyewood (Bonnie Cole Hall; 
archery range; eric)
/(Thrown Weapons & Archery ranges & erics reserved for Sergeantry 
Testing until 1:00 PM)/

10:00AM Sable Rose Equestrian Challenge & Ladies’ Berfrois (Arena) 
/(open ride time following competition)/

1:00 PM          Rapier Tournament
/(**time approximate; follows equestrian competition)/

                         Cut & Thrust Demonstration

5:00 PM           Equestrian open ride ends

Archery & thrown weapons ranges close

6:00 PM          Gate closes (re-opened as-needed)

7:00 PM          Regional Feast & Sergeantry Testing – By Invitation 
Only (Bonnie Cole Hall)


10:00AM         Equestrian open ride time (Arena)

Chariot Driving Demonstration

4:00 PM          Site closes

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