[Wyewood] Wyewood A&S Championship June 22

Wyewood Webster Wyewood.Webster at antir.org
Mon May 13 21:32:18 PDT 2024

(Forwarded on behalf of Sapphira Technika)

Greetings Artist of Wyewood!

Do you have a plethora of ‘hobbies’ that you want to release into The Wild so that they might propagate?

Do you enjoy sharing the love of your particular flavor of Arts and Science with others while learning and encouraging others with theirs?

Would your like to represent and serve your local Barony while using the beautiful regalia of the Wyewood A&S champion?

Then look no further for Bubba and the Barony of Wyewood wants you!

Join us on June 22nd at Day of Archery and Arts to compete to be the next Wyewood Champion of the Arts and Sciences!!

Show your Love of learning and Your passion for process!  This is not a one size fits all competition format.

In order to strive for balance we be using the wonderful method that Gwir designed.  The champion will be chosen with input from the Wyewood populous based on a low key public presentation as well as an interview with their Excellencies Wyewood and myself as A&S Minister and current serving champion.

Some ideas!

Showcasing a body of work or even just doing your most favorite highlights from projects or research is a great way for Wyewood to see you shine.

A living history style exhibit with something you love to do and want to share with other people is a great way to connect.

If your activity allows for it I would encourage participants to have items people can look at closely, touch, hold, and experiment with in order to try out a new skill.

A side note

Building in a child friendly activity is appreciated and encouraged but by no means required.    (I did the amber floating in salt water experiment and the kids had a field day as did some adults!)

If anyone is interested in participating but needs props for display or possibly materials for interactive portions please contact me as we can source both. Financial hardships should never be a bar to accessibly and representation, especially for the Arts and Sciences.

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to seeing some amazing works!

Yours in service,

Magistra Sapphira Technika

Calendar Link:  Day of Archery and Arts<https://antir.org/events/day-of-archery-and-arts/>


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