[Wyewood] Wyewood April Business Meeting

Wyewood Seneschal Wyewood.Seneschal at antir.org
Sun May 12 18:11:42 PDT 2024

Here are the minutes from the April Business Meeting,

Dietrich von Katzenburg

-Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood



Wyewood Meeting Minutes



Multiple Open offices needing to be filled

Herald- must be filled by July or August

Social Media Deputy still needed (do we have an applicant?)

Thrown Weapons and Heavy Marshal if those practices want to happen officially?


Our balances as of Apr-24-2024 are as follows:

Checking 2,955.94

Savings 10,340.45

= Total Balance: $13,296.39

Pending Income = $500.00

                $ 500.00 from Porte de l’Eau

Carolyn McKenna Employer Volunteer Match 2022

Future Pending Payments = $550.00

$ 300.00 UCC donation for FCS Jan-Jun 2024

$ 200-250 Youth Rapier masks and swords (x2 each)

                                Waiting on the reimbursement form and receipts

The PayPal Donation Button information was sent to Simon on Apr-3.  We also received a QR Code that can be used for people to make donations.


Our participation in the event at the meadery went well and got a lot of interest for area Baronies. May be repeatable next year.

Webminister- Working on adding Paypal Button. Needs to do a follow up with previous webster on hosting questions.


  *   Did a first archery pop-up at practice. Minimal participation, but hopefully more in the future.
  *   Day at the library coming up on Sunday April 28th.
  *   A&S Championship Coming Up at Day of Archery and Arts

Herald- No new info from last month.

Archery- Happening, good turn out with rising numbers since the drop off post COVID and new faces. Tymme needs folks to pick up the Thown Weapons loaner stuff and the bits at the range and put it into storage.

Wednesday Practices will begin again on May 1st, needs added to website calendar.

Rapier- Doing well with great attendance, new fighters happening, Boreaus needs to get his youth authorization and background done so we can advertise youth rapier (also needs to submit reimbursement for equipment).


Their Excellencies Upcoming Events-

May Crown

Sealion War (tentative but probable)

Junefaire (tentative)

Day of Arts and Archery



Happy to talk to anyone interested in succeeding us on the Baronial Seats, please feel free to reach out and chat with us. We are happy to talk about the job, our experiences, etc.

Also, be on the look out for a possible upcoming “So You Want to Be Landed” Round Table locally.

Old Business:

Day of Archery:

  *   We will be increasing site fee from $10 to $15.
  *   Working on advertising for Artisan and Bardic Champion
  *   Alarich will take point on the Bardic Champion Piece
  *   Thrown Weapons TBD

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