[Wyewood] Wyewood Baronial Officer Vacancies

Wyewood Seneschal Wyewood.Seneschal at antir.org
Wed Jul 24 19:06:52 PDT 2024

Greetings Wyewood,
We have a few officer positions looking for officers. These positions are required to maintain branch status.

If you are interested in applying for any of these positions, please email your letter of intent to Wyewood.Seneschal at antir.org and wyewood.coronet at antir.org

In service to Bubba,
Dietrich von Katzenburg
-Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood

The Baronial Pursuivant (herald) is the voice of the Baronial Coronet. In the Barony, the Baronial herald has the title of Wyewood Pursuivant. Duties and Responsibilities of the Pursuivant include, but are not limited to:
1:    Performing the office in accordance with the requirements from the Black Lion Principal (i.e., Kingdom) Herald’s office and/or the Regional Herald.
2:    Ensuring that the Barony has the services of a court herald, a field herald, and a book herald as needed.
3:    Encouraging and assisting Wyewoodians who wish to submit names or armory.
4:    Maintaining a permanent record of all Baronial Awards and Orders given, and to notify the Dexter Gauntlet Herald of Awards and Orders given as appropriate.

The Chronicler is responsible for the timely editing, publication, and distribution of the Baronial Newsletter. Duties and Responsibilities of the Chronicler include, but are not limited to:
1:    Performing the office of the Chronicler in accordance with directions from Kingdom and/or Regional superior(s).
2:    Assisting Officials of the Barony to produce attractive printed matter in an economical and timely manner if reasonable, as requested.
3:    Keeping, or causing to be kept, accurate minutes of all Business Meetings.
4:    Distributing copies of the Baronial Newsletter as required by Kingdom law.

The Seneschal is the administrative head and legal representative of the Barony. As such, the Seneschal is responsible for smooth functioning and continued communication between the Officials of the Barony. Duties and Responsibilities of the Seneschal include, but are not limited to:
1:    Performing the Office of Seneschal in accordance with directions from Kingdom and/or Regional superior(s).
2:    Acting as chairperson and moderator of the Wyewood Business Meeting.
3:    Ensuring that Business Meetings are conducted in accordance with the Customary.
4:    Coordinating the amendment of this Customary as necessary with the consent of Council.
5:    Referring proposals to committees as appropriate.
6:    Attempting retrieval of Wyewood property when said property is not returned to the custody of the appropriate Wyewood Official.
7:    Retrieve mail delivered to the Branch branch via the Branch's Post Office Box.
8:    Signing all contracts affecting the Barony.


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