[Wyewood] Wyewood's 4th THursday Dance Practice

sbonnevi at wamail.net sbonnevi at wamail.net
Wed Jul 24 10:26:45 PDT 2024

One, two, three, FOUR! --- It's coming up on the Fourth Thursday, and 
that is Wyewood's monthly Dance Practice evening!

As with Porte de l'Eau and Madrone's dance practices, we do a variety of 
dances from English, French and Italian sources, ranging from the mid 
1400's to mid 1600's.  Dances are chosen based on the interests and 
abilities of those attending, and the whim of the teacher(s).

Practice is still at my home in the NW corner of Kent.  If interested, 
or if you have questions, please contact me for address and directions:

Maestra Sara de Bonneville

sbonnevi at wamail.net

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