[Wyewood] For your Consideration: A letter of Intent for the Art and Sciences officer position from Lisa Giddings (Gisella Lisabetta Venier)

Wyewood Seneschal Wyewood.Seneschal at antir.org
Sun Sep 11 22:20:59 PDT 2022

Greetings to Their Excellencies and the Populace of Wyewood,

I, Gisella Lisabetta Venier, formally apply for the position of Minister of Arts and Sciences.  In the past I have served as Minster of A&S in the Canton (now Barony) of l'Ile du Dragon Dormant in the East Kingdom (1999-2001), Seamstress to the Crown (East) several times, and I am a member of the Order of the Jambe de Lion (2022) and its East Kingdom equivalent, the Order of the Maunche (2003).  I have been and continue to be an active citizen of Wyewood and it is my honor to currently hold the position of Wyewood's A&S Champion.
As A&S Minister, I would like to provide more opportunities for people to experience and explore different forms of A&S, be they the current virtual A&S nights, restarting informal Saturday A&S get togethers at the archery range, or more formalized focused classes in different subjects.  Need help finding your preferred flavor of Art or Science?  Not a problem!  We’ll figure it out together and I’ll do my best to find a way to get you going in the right direction.

I hope to be worthy of your consideration,

Gisella Lisabetta Venier

HL Johanna de Wassington

-Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood


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