[Wyewood] October-in place of Sept. Business meeting, minutes

Wyewood Chronicler Wyewood.Chronicler at antir.org
Fri Jan 1 19:13:28 PST 2021

Barony of Wyewood Business Meeting
October 2nd, 2020
Meeting held for Sept. Meeting due to cancelation that month.

Start: 7:05 pm End: 7:51 pm
# of attendance 17
Officer Reports:

Branch business:

  *   Voting on applicants for open positions - email your vote or post privately in zoom your vote on the candidates for each position.
  *   Exchequer and Herald sent in their vote for each candidate as they                         were not able to attend meeting.
  *   Paused a moment to vote on candidate for Seneschal:
  *   Majority of current officers attending meeting votes for                                          Johanna as our new Seneschal.
  *   Will email paperwork to Rosa and their Excellencies. Then                                  send out to Kingdom for final approval. Use meeting minutes as                               proof for officer signatures and votes casted.
  *   Thank you, Friedrich and Rosa, for serving as Web minister and Seneschal.
  *   Friedrich (WM) had to step down due to life priorities.
  *   Rosa (SEN) stepping down (Jan. would have been her term ending date), moved to Madrone due to work relocation. She had fun and was happy to serve as Wyewood’s Seneschal.
  *   Johanna did a great job hosting last business meeting by herself.
Officer Addition

  *   None currently
Officer vacancies

  *   Herald - Avine acting as interim until position is filled.
  *   Web minister introductions as a new candidate applied: Both are in attendance for voting.
  *   Dietrich Eckhart von Katzenburg
  *   Background: Went to school for this kind of stuff. Has created           his own website for his fan club.
  *   Irene Mckenna
  *   Background: has been a member of the barony for about 14 years now. Wants to find more ways to get involved and is     interested in tech/computer programs. She finds it would be a           good fit for her.
  *   All officers sent in their vote for web minister privately via zoom. Seneschal           counting votes: all in favor for WB is Dietrich. Need to set up email and     transfer over all correspondence and logins. Send in paperwork to Seneschal     to make official. Business minutes acting as signatures/votes casted by          officers.
  *   Thanks to Irene for applying. Deputy Web minister and Herald’s position offered to Irene if she is interested in still holding a Baronial position. Irene said she will think about it.
  *   Thanks to Johnette (SP?) for visiting from Outlands today.
  *   Submitting forms for virtual events must be submitted 3 months in advance.
Exchequer (HL Gwir)

  *   Still have $$ in the bank
  *   Checking - $2860.04
  *   Savings - $2755.04
  *   PO Box payment is due in October.
  *   Bubba feast refund checks:
  *   $230 in refunds to date
  *   $175.00 went to donations
  *   16th @ 7pm is the financial committee meeting:
  *   Will discuss the in’s and out’s
  *   3rd quarter report
  *   PayPal possibly used for donations
  *   Tracking officer inventory- need to send to Gwir
  *   If you want to be a Seneschal, Exchequer or B&B, this is a great way to know       about the financial side of how the barony is ran.
  *   2021 budget processing
Arts & Sciences (HL Sofia de Toledo)

  *   No in person report. Has asked that if anyone is taking or teaching a class to let her know for her report.
  *   Has sent in her quarterly report
Chamberlain (Lord Rasmus Ravnsson)

  *   Chamberlain and Alessandra dropped off items to storage and all is looking good.

Chatelaine (Anneke von Frankenstein)
  *   No in person report (due to emergency) but is coming up with ways to engage and attract newcomers. Also asks that if you have any ideas to send her an email.

Chronicler (Hafpora Kristna)
  *   Working on newsletter, no update.

Family Activities Coordinator (HL Aurora Prindel)
  *   No report

Herald (Open) Avine acting as interim
  *   Logged in; found forwarding contacts only when responding. Hard to keep track of conversation this way. All communication out of account was using personal emails. No way to track communications this way. All emails being sent out should only be used via the officer email provided for the position.
Marshal: Archery (Arcos Tymme Lytefellow)

  *   Checked archer fields, looking good.
  *   Need a couple of tarps for targets, some targets are missing some
  *   He has been making inter-kingdom videos for teaching classes
. Marshal: Rapier (Arcos Dearbhail inghean Donnchaid)

  *   Nothing new, just been attending virtual classes

 Marshal: Safety (HL Donatello Asino)
  *   No report

Baronial Scribe (Lord Mikial Aldrich)
  *   No report

 Social Media Officer (Arcos Avine de Hert)
  *   No report
  *   Webster(Open)
  *   No report

Baron and Baroness (Alarich Von Thorn, Aline Swynbroke)

  *   No reports of his excellency’s demise. Has had lots of dental work and “hurray’s” modern dentistry.
  *   We have been buried in work so if we are not responding, please be paitient.

Old Business

  *   None currently.

New Business
  *   Ethereal virtual court for Barony soon: Yes or No? Email B&B for award recommendations. This would be our next big thing, would like to give out recognition and stuff.

Close out
•    Gwir hosting next FCS next Friday, possibly their excellencies.

  *   Possible class proposal for office 365? Reach out to Kingdom web minister.

In progress

  *   12th Night Virtual event: crown rejected meeting with Madrone. Will continue with 2022 hotel proposal. Concerned with less attendees due to the pandemic but are hopeful for in person event.
  *   People who haven’t cancelled their current reservations need to do so as soon as possible. Will not be taking any till Nov. 1st, 2021.

Appendix: (Emailed in Reports of whom did not attend) Written Reports from Officers or any additional information regarding business/updates:

Exiting Seneschal thanks everyone for the time being Wyewood’s seneschal. She had a lot of enjoyment and is grateful of all officers’ support during her term. She will miss everyone, however, will still be in the background of Wyewood.

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