[Wyewood] Meeting Friday October 2nd at 7p.

Wyewood Seneschal Wyewood.Seneschal at antir.org
Tue Sep 29 08:58:20 PDT 2020

Good day wyewood,

This Friday we will have a vote for Webminister and Seneschal.

Next Month will be my last Meeting I will help the new Seneschal run.  I am very happy to have served this barony for the last 5 year.  I will still be around, you haven't lost me fully.  You will be left in great hands.  I miss everyone and going to events, but proud of what we are doing as a barony to keep the dream alive.

Last announcement:

We have an open Position for Herald if you are interested.  It is a required position, we will need this filled quickly please.

Thank you

Maestra Rosa Marcella

-Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood


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