[Wyewood] Game Tournament at the Feast of St Bubba

Kris John gwir.sca at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 11:47:00 PST 2020

Greetings good gentles!

We will be having a game tournament at the Feast of St. Bubba and I'd love
your input about which game you would enjoy most. If you are on Facebook,
there is a poll on the Barony of Wyewood Discussion Group. If not, please
feel free to email me and indicate which of the following: alquerque,
hnefatafl, nine-man-morris, chess, byzantine chess, backgammon, mancala

It will be an Open Format where you can play as many games as you want.
Each game will be tracked according to who wins and you can only play each
person once. No elimination. There will be prizes.

Thank you for participating in the poll!

In Service,
Lady Gwir verch Merewith

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