[Wyewood] July Business Meeting Minutes
Jennifer Usher
one.true.sword at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 12:24:25 PDT 2019
*Barony of Wyewood – Baronial Business Meeting*
*Baron Evrard *(David Keil)* and Baroness Alessandra *(Denise Garlington)
*Seneschal Martyn Baxter *(Brandon Scheltema)
July 26th, 2019
Start Time: 7:30pm
End Time: 8:20pm
# of people: 20-25ppl
*Seneschal Report – Martyn* (Brandon Scheltema)
• Still figuring out who does and doesn’t need to be warranted- need new
warrant (getting from
• Their Majesties have decided Alarich and Aline will be our new Baron &
Next weekend at Wyewood Champions their current Excellencies will step down
and their new Excellencies will step up.
• Gwir and Martyn will co-event steward Wyewood Champions in place of
Alarich, given his election to Baron.
• This Sunday we have a team coming to mow the lawn starting at 9am (two
mowers, weed eaters, day shades coming; some bringing water and snacks;
please bring rakes if you have them).
• Friday night next week we’ll need trucks to grab things from storage and
people to help us grab things out of storage.
• Alessandra’s elevation was awesome.
• Sept Crown is Donatello’s elevation.
• Rauthufr has suggested a regular Wyewood Peer meeting to support the
• Second quarter reports due at the end of July!
*Officer Positions available:*
Archery Officer
*Exchequer Report – Sara* (Sara Bonneville)
• Need to straighten out Wyewood’s Chamberlain position (Donatello is still
• Quarterly report finished and sent off.
• $20,218 in account (have received $826 in donations from the populace
since 1/1/19, $490 of
that from archery and thrown weapons).
• 6-month storage facility rent due soon ($1,140).
*A & S Report – Sofia* (Linda Hosea)
** Not attending meeting
The 2Q A&S Report was submitted.
Most A&S activities the month of July have been in the applied mode!
The exception was the brave HL Adrianna, who braved the energetic confusion
of polling night to offer us an overview and inspirational looks at ideas
of ways to “bling your camp.” A file with “amusing” phrases has been
added to files on the baronial site, and HL Adrianna is doing some
revisions to the other documentation before uploading.
On the applied side, there has been much culinary and much sewing
Early in the month, Sofia (and Symonne!) participated in (and with
Constantine camped in the cooks’ compound for) the Cooks Play Date annual
event. Much fun, much learning, much eating, and many new friends from An
Tir, The West and Caid!
Also early in the month and ongoing, there was much sewing for the
elevation of HE Alessandra at Coronation. There was also some amount of
cooking for the celebrations!
Dance was held on the 18th, with two participants! Pretty good, since all
were departing on the 19th for Coronation!
*Events/Activities to come:*
FCS program for August: There is no current plan – Autumn War begins on the
September: Lady Gwir will preview her Collegium class (child accessible)
on finger loop braiding and her faux lucet method
October: We may have another Collegium preview – TBC (to be confirmed)
Fiber/A&S Support night: Not in August, see above re: Autumn War!
Dance Classes: Scheduled for August 15th and September 19th
Sewing and Scribal Nights: 2nd and 4th Mondays. Watch for posts.
Culinary: No formal/cooking activity until fall…
Are you all studying up on the foods and methods of your persona’s time and
• If you participated in the Laurel Apprentice Challenge and haven’t gotten
your packet to Aline, please bring it to Champions, Day of Archery, or the
next FCS.
*Herald/Pursuivant Report – Alarich* (Peter von Groote)
• Friedrich has applied for the position and his application can be
reviewed via email (Martyn sending to officer emails)
• Alarich ending tenure in this position so he can step up as Baron, but
still available to consult and happy to help with any heraldic matter.
• There is an applicant, but please speak with Alarich and Their
Excellencies if interested in applying.
• Alarich will still work on heraldry stuff (he’s been approved to keep the
office until he has a replacement).
*Archery Report – Tymme* (Tim Geyer)
*Will not be at meeting*
We've been busy, with lots of events to attend.
** July 4th enhanced practice was a huge success, thank you to those who
cooked and everyone who provided food and just came and made it a nice
social day.
My thanks to Martyn for arranging a much needed mowing party.
I will plan to evaluate target butts on Saturday so we know what all needs
to be worked on/replaced before Champions. I know of at least 1 Bulldog
that needs to be recovered, and I thank those who have volunteered to do
that at the Sunday work party.
Attendance has been pretty consistent.
Wyewood Champions and Day of Archery are coming up quickly.
*Thrown Weapons – Geoffrey* (Jeff Reeds)
Been happening, with a few practices dropped for conflicting kingdom events.
*Rapier Report – Dearbhail* (Debbie Kassens)
• Have had rapier practice, behaved, poked people without causing more
• Sport of Kings doing huge rapier track this year.
*Baronial Marshal – Donatello *(Mike Freeman)
Same as the Rapier report.
*Chatelaine – Gabri* (Heather Lazzaretti)
• Have a new design for the new Chatelaine cards, up for review.
*Webster Report – Geoffrey* (Jeff Reeds)
• Updated webpage, calendar, and software.
• Still no hacking attempts.
• Requests from populace for changes, some of which is pending. Suggested
change from Joanna at the meeting: add a “new person” page with all the
contacts they need to use (email addresses).
*Chronicler Report – Emma* (Jennifer Usher)
** Office seeking applicants for position *immediately*
Emma not at meeting
Meryld to bring Library will be on display at Champions!!
Submitting report to Kingdom by Wednesday
Gathering information for next newsletter.
Notes to be taken by Beth W.
*Baronage – Baron Evrard* (Davil Keil) *and Baroness Alessandra *(Denise
• Been a busy month, especially for Alessandra, who thanked everyone who
came and participated in her elevation and vigil. “The amount of support I
got from all of you was incredible.” It was everything she wanted it to be,
and she teared up while thanking the populace.
• Looking forward to Champions and the competition. Always a delight to see
champions wear their regalia proudly, displays of artistry and chivalry and
prowess. That said, also looking forward to celebrating the elevation of
the new Baron and Baronness. Thanked all three sets of candidates, who did
Wyewood proud. Total faith in Alarich and Aline. Been an honor to wear the
coronets and represent the populace.
• If anyone wants to write in Alessandra’s vigil book, it’s available.
• Their Majesties have asked to submit award recommendations. For some
reason, there is little to no carryover from one reign to the next, so even
if you made a recommendation in the past, please do so one more time. For
those who served, this is a way to recognize them and give that thank you
back to everyone who serves and beautifies Wyewood and the SCA.
• Their Majesties want to keep the Champions evening court shorter (starts
5pm), so Champions morning court (starts 10am) will includes Baronial
awards and will have a roving court so people leaving early can be
recognized. Evening court will include Kingdom awards.
• Their Excellencies thank the barony for their support, are honored and
humbled by it, look forward to serving for the next three years, are here
for you so please approach them at anytime (but no phone calls after 10pm,
*Future Events and other Business*
*FCS in August*
August 9th – FCS – no planned activity due to Autumn War – but social,
August 23rd – Business Meeting – with Their new Excellencies
*Wyewood Champions – Event Steward – Martyn & Gwir*August 3rd, 2019 –
• Wyewood Champions is next weekend.
• Set up begins around 7am (gate opens at 9am).
• Their Majesties will be there about noon-6pm. Joanna is our royal liaison
for the event.
• Their Majesties asked to share baronial space, so they don’t have to set
up another pavilion.
• If you have pavilions, please bring them and set them up so the eric
feels like a medieval tournament. Bring and bling your campsites with
• Will need help setting up and taking down the pavilions- tear down is
needed most, so please stick around and help with that.
• If intending to compete for any of the championships, a letter of intent
submitted by August 1st is encouraged. Send to wyewood.coronet at antir.org.
*Autumn War *August 7th – 12th
*Day of Archery – Event Steward - Tymme*
August 17th - Saturday
(Tymme not here) Updates for Day of Archery:
Jeff said yes to having thrown weapons.
Leo is going to teach stance and throwing technique.
I've confirmed my head of gate and am working on an in person meeting with
her to discuss details. Vashti also offered, and I have asked her to
support this person (can't think of her name right off) as it's her first
time doing gate and Vashti has experience. I'm sure they could use having
some gate shifts covered!
Feast pre-reg is live on the website, with food details (except it sounds
like Aline is doing Brats in place of sausages, so need to update that).
Website is www.geyercomputers.com/dayofarchery, and the feast pre-reg uses
the same form (modified) as St. Bubbas. Lunch is currently by pre-reg only.
I still need to get the biffy scheduled
*VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY :: I need someone who can get things from storage
and return them to storage, as my car will be full with archery gear.*
We have 6 classes, taught by Tymme Lytefelow, Evrard de Valogne, Leo le
Firse, and Tomas MacDhonnchaidh.
Evrard is arranging to do the Inter-Kingdom Combat Archery Competition.
Also, was going to reach out to August to see about borrowing his paddle
target to add more combat activities.
*September Crown* - Canada
August 30th – Sept 2nd
Donatello’s elevation - If you’d like help with his vigil please contact
*12th Night Bid *
January 8th – 10th, 2021
• A new event is being proposed- we’ll team up with Madrona to co-run 12th
• January 8-10, 2021 at the SeaTac Doubletree
• Budget has been submitted, attendance and merchant estimate is based on
2017 numbers
(happened at same hotel); around 800 attendees and 20 merchants
• $4,493 expenses, expected profit of about $16K (Kingdom gets 60% of this,
proposed that
Madrona gets 20% and Wyewood gets 20%).
• Contract still being ironed out and will have second reading in August.
End of Meeting.
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