[Wyewood] Our Thank Yous from Champions

Rebecca von Groote rebecca.l.williams at gmail.com
Sun Aug 4 20:01:48 PDT 2019

Unto the Populace and Friends of the Barony of Wyewood from Their
Excellencies, Alarich and Aline, Baron and Baroness, greetings!

We are so proud of Wyewood and all the hard work and dedication that went
into making Wyewood Champions and Baronial Investiture a success! We saw
many journey to our lands yesterday to witness the choosing of the new
Baronial Champions and to attend our investiture. And all were met by warm
smiles, kind words, and the spirit of hospitality that Wyewood is known
for. We expected nothing less, but it is still awe inspiring.

Our event would not have been nearly the success it was without each of
you! Thank you!

Our special thanks to the following individuals:

Their Royal Majesties Morgan and Livia, the Prince and Princess Royale, and
their Majesties’s Staff who joined us for the day.

Master Martyn Baxter and Lady Gwir ferch John for stepping in to take over
stewarding after His Excellency was announced as the incoming Baron. They
made it a seamless transition.

HL Donatello Asino and Lord Rasmus Ravnssen for their help in transporting
Baronial Property to and from site.

Their Excellencies and the Populace of Madrone for their loan of the extra
large pavillion for court purposes.

All those who loaned personal pavilions.

Peregrina Morosini for serving as gate steward and keeping things moving

Her Ladyship Tabytha Morgan for coordinating the Hospitality Table.

Her Ladyship Sofia de Toledo for coordinating lunch and Her Symonne
d’Aywaille for assisting her.

Lady Jorunn for bringing the Haunted Dale storytime for the entertainment
of the young and young at heart.

Lady Meryld Godewyn of Kent for bringing out the Baronial Library.

Her Ladyship Avine de Hert for her work as Court Coordinator, and Master
Tvorimir Danlov and Her Ladyship Natasha Orionova Zateeva for serving as
Baronial Heralds.

Thank you to Lord Mikial Aldrich, Lady Arianwen Ferch Ana, and all the
Scribes who provided the Barony support for our court.

Lady Irene MacKenny and Her Ladyship Mea Guiliana Passavanti for their work
on the Rattan Combat and Rapier Combat Lists.

Thank you to all those who marshalled the various competitions.

Our outgoing Champions, for their service under our predecessors and for
helping organize the competitions for their replacements:

Archery- Johanh Fairhand

Arts and Sciences- Sybill atte Leadon

Rapier- Cailean McQuarrie

Rattan Combat- Duke Skapti Thorinsson

Thrown Weapons- Beeron Pike

Additional thanks to Master Rauþúlfr inn Orþstóri and Her Ladyship Mecia
Raposa for their additional assistance on the Arts and Sciences and Rapier
Combat Championships.

And finally, we welcome our new Champions and look forward to their service
to the Barony!

Archery- His Lordship John de Percy

Arts and Sciences- Lady Gwir ferch John

Rapier Combat- Hobbe de Conyers

Rattan Combat- His Lordship Constantine Trewpeny

Thrown Weapons- His Lordship Bjorn Styrkarsson

Our apologies if we forgot anyone.

Again, our thanks to all who came, all who competed, and all who served.
You are the Dream.

In Service to Wyewood and An Tir,
Alarich, Barun (This is the correct German form)

Aline, Baroness

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