[Wyewood] Wyewood Business Mtg Notes from 5/25

Gail Dausener meryldk at comcast.net
Thu May 31 11:24:46 PDT 2018

Hello Wyewood:

It had been my intention to bring Gold Key to the "yard sale" at 
Champions. I am not sure I will be attending because of family 
commitments. Liadain, please email me so we can make plans. Thanks! 
Martyn, if I come to Champions, I would also be available to be a Voice 
herald. Please add me to the bottom of your list. Thanks!

I am also waiting to hear back from Kingdom Herald about a name. Avine, 
is it inappropriate to follow up with them?


Meryld Godewyn

On 5/31/2018 7:45 AM, Jennifer Usher via Wyewood wrote:
> *Barony of Wyewood – Baronial Business MeetingMay 25, 2018*
> Start time:  7:30 pm     End time:  7:52
> Populace in attendance:  19
> Some officers and populace attended Egil’s event.
> Officer’s Present:  Baroness Alessandra, Laidain, Martyn, Sara and Emma.
> *Seneschal – Liadain*
> Deputy to Seneschal, Bubba
> Officers to start using new email addresses/Outlook.
> *Exchequer - Sara*
> Very little financial activity at this time of the year, so no change in
> financial status from last month.  A couple of cheques for minor officer
> reimbursements were disbursed at last month’s meeting, and I anticipate the
> same for May, based on other officer reports.
> I have not received the proposed budgets for the next two events upcoming
> (Champions and Arts Unframed).  We probably need to discuss gate
> reconciliation and depositing for those events, and what they have set-up
> for gate process; do you need help setting this up?  There is time, but I
> would prefer not to leave this until last minute.
> Reminder: ask for cheques at least a month before you need them.
> *Herald—Avine*
> Not at FCS tonight
> Still keeping an eye on a submission at Society level.
> Still consulting, primarily via Facebook and email.
> If you’d like to see the library, please email me and I’ll do my best to
> get it to the next FCS.
> Otherwise, fairly quiet on the heraldic front.
> Heraldic Table might be at Champions.
> *Archer – Tymme*
> will not be at the Friday business meeting due to attending Egil’s
> Archery has been happening, turnout has been good.  There have been lots of
> season and career high scores being turned in lately!  After Sat practice
> we had a lot of people help take the range down in preparation for AES to
> hold their Eggfest.  I can’t begin to name everyone, but thank you all!.
> Thanks to Tomas MacDonnchaidh for venturing forth to get the post puller
> from John and Deb’s place so that we could use it.  It made things a lot
> easier.
> We need to reset the range after Eggfest (I’m hoping June 3, so we can
> shoot that next Wed, but I have to verify).
> 3 Bulldog targets got replacement covers on Sunday, and 20 target faces
> were glued onto cardboard so we have a supply for a little while.
> Wyewood archery had a good showing at both Daffodil (BaO) and at May Faire
> (Glymm Mere).  Several of us spent time calling the ranges and/or teaching
> new archers.
> *Chatelaine – Tabby *Not at FCS
> --Lots of new people contacted at May Faire a couple weeks ago, including
> an equestrian.
> --I am ready to take an official deputy who is interested in eventually
> taking over the position when my time is up.
> --I will be stepping up as Deputy Kingdom Chatelaine, with intent to
> eventually take.
> June Faire/Kitsap Medieval Faire is coming up soon, and will be an
> excellent opportunity to be in full chatelaine mode; I'm looking forward to
> it.
> *Chronicler – Emma*
> Contacted Lady Ameline regarding Library.  We will meet in June.
> Looking for content for Wyesmouth
> *Arts & Sciences – Lady Sofia *Welcome to the Office! No report at this
> time.
> *Rapier – Don Ramon*
> Welcome to the Office!  No report at this time.
> *Webster – Geoffrey*Not at FCS
> Website is up. 😊
> *Coronets -  Baron Evrard & Baroness Alessandra*
> Baron Evrard is at Egils.
> Baroness Alessandra gave a report about May Crown, our new heirs to the
> throne:  Prince Christian and Princess Helene.  Good tournament 58 fighters.
>    Lots of Pelicans made.
> Their Excellencies progress is on the Wyewood Website.
> *Upcoming:  June Faire, July Coronation.  *For July Coronation – Wyewood
> Encampment?? Event is in Woodland, Washington.. just a couple hours away.
> *Upcoming Events*
> *Champions Aug 11th   -- Event Steward:  Martyn *Officially on Kingdom
> Calendar.  Silent Auction being ran by Gwir.  Populace asked to donate any
> gift baskets to help with Auction.  Garage Sale being ran by Liadain. Still
> looking for all types of volunteers from setup, gate, tear down.  Please
> contact Event Steward.
> *Arts unframed – TabbyOct 6th*
> No report at this time.
> *June Fair – Gate … Lord Alarich  **J*
> * Saturday June 2nd*Lord Alarich is running gate.  Looking for
> volunteers.  Doing
> a “sign up schedule”via online…
> be on look out for that link.
> *Next FCS June  - 8th*
> *End of report.*
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