[Wyewood] Business meeting - January 26th
Debra Greywolf
lady.liadain at outlook.com
Sun Jan 21 10:43:06 PST 2018
Greetings All!
The next baronial business meeting will be this Friday evening at 7:15. Please come to hear about upcoming events and activities within the Barony of Wyewood. Business meetings are held at United Christian Church (15509 116th Avenue Southeast, Renton). They are open for anyone to attend, and there is generally time for socializing afterwards.
* We are in need of a Chatelaine for the Barony.
* There are only two Wyewood events on the calendar for 2018. As a barony, we are required to host three events.
If interested in becoming an officer, an event steward or just in helping out, please send an email to coronets at wyewood.org<mailto:coronets at wyewood.org> and seneschal at wyewood.org<mailto:seneschal at wyewood.org>
-Lady Liadain ni Sheanachain
Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood
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