[Wyewood] hOSPITALITY TABLE Ursalmus
'Deborah Tatarek' via Wyewood list
wyewood at wyewood.org
Sat Jan 20 16:46:15 PST 2018
Hello, we are having a hospitality table at Ursalmus on Saturday. Please bring something to share, like fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, nuts, olives, desserts small bag of pretzels.
I have a very large jar of Pickles, they are not needed.
Also if we want a hospitality table for Sunday, I will need a volunteer to take back with them the hospitality bin and bags and ice chest which I will arrange to pick up from you as I will not be able to make it on Sunday.
The job entails putting out the food on Sunday, checking to make sure stocked land clean up and pack up.
Please let me know if you are interested.
Thank you
Lady Arabella de Fontaine
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