[Wyewood] December Business Meeting Notes
Jennifer Usher
one.true.sword at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 22:40:22 PST 2017
Barony of Wyewood
* Minutes from December Business Meeting December 8, 2017*
7:10pm – 7:45pm
Baroness Alessandra conducted meeting.
Seneschal, Lady Liadain, was scheduled on different matters throughout
Barony lands and unable to attend meeting.
Number of Attendees: about 20
*Upcoming Events and Activites:*
*January 12th* – Next and first FCS (Full Contact Social)
7pm – 10pm at United Christian Church * 15509 116th Ave SE * Renton, WA
** Also January 12th – 14th
*12th Night*, Barony of Wastekeep, *See Kingdom of An Tir Website for event
*January 26th* – FCS and Barony Business Meeting
7pm – 10pm at United Christian Church * 15509 116th Ave SE * Renton, WA
** January 26th – 28th
*Ursulmas*, Barony of Aquaterra, *See Kingdom of An Tir Website for event
*February 17th – Wyewood’s The Feast of St. Bubba! *PRE-REG IS OPEN..!
Come to Wyewood’s Feast … amazing food, great folks, and wonderful event.
* Officer’s Reports *Here Ye*Here Ye * Chatelaine Office accepting
applications immediately! *Those interested please send email/contact our
Exchequer … Lady Sophia
We have no major expenses currently visible through the end of the
year. Checking
$8646.94 Savings $11,734.99
Upcoming in January, there will be a major expense for FCS/Mtg Site and
Storage Fees.
Protocol dictates that we tithe to the Kingdom.
All lines under budget this year, except Baronial Property, where the costs
for new storage shelving and new standards for banners were allocated.
*Application for Exchequer*: Mistress Sara. She addressed the populace
about her experience with being an exchequer for BaO and Kingdom.
Pursuivant/Herald … Lady Avine
Couple of reminders: Always a good idea to check your OP (Order of
Precedence) on the An Tir Website/College of Heralds.
Send in award recommendations for Barony level or Kingdom level. If you
send a recommendation to the Kingdom, please CC’ their Excellencies, Evrard
and Alessandra, so they are aware and give feedback if needed too. Please
know, If you have recognized someone being awesome, but yet don’t know what
award to recommend – still send a recommendation of their deeds. Their
Excellencies may have the perfect award that fits their efforts.
Still consulting one on one. Currently heraldry belonging to members of
the barony have one device on the current Kingdom letter.
One name currently at Society level in commentary – Zayd al-Ifriqi
One name “being decided” – Oliver Gelert
Arts & Sciences … Lady Constantia
Classes have been good. Great attendance!
Fiber night is still happening.
No Culinary date set but will be held at Greywolf Den.
Let Lady Constantia know what type of classes you would like!
Currently scheduling classes for upcoming/for next year FCS’s.
In new business, there was talk of Dance practices in Wyewood!
Chatelaine … Office Vacant
Accepting Applications, contact Seneschal, Lady Liadain, if interested.
Wyewood’s hospitality is always amazing, thank you to the populace for
making newcomers or branch visitors feel welcomed.
Chronicler … Lady Emma
Completed/signed Officer Change Form. Lady Emma introduced herself and
passed out a starter Newsletter of the Wye’s Mouth. She asked if you want
to publish anything, whether it be a recipe, how-to-article or event, etc
to please contact her.
Archery and Thrown Weapons … Lord Tymme
We had extra practices this past month and a couple practices rained out.
Archery continues to happen with consistent attendance. We are in need of
some supplies and submit an expense report. At Glymm Mere Yule Feast, Lord
Tymme will be teaching 2 classes: Intro to Archery and Making an Archery
Last season’s Top 10 has been finalized and handed off to the Kingdom Royal
Archer for processing so that medallions can be ready by 12th Night.
** On a side note from Lord Tymme, as a “branch marshal”, heavy fighting
practice is still not happening (officially, as a Wyewood practice.)
Rapier … Warder Martyn
With practices, we are having a solid 4 regular attendees.
At Collegium, Warder Martyn and Don Donatello held classes.
Baronage … Baron Evrard and Baroness Alessandra
Please join us at Feasts. We will be attending Feasts throughout the
It has been great to see classes and them being well attended. Send any
award recommendations.
*Events and Other Buisness *Arts Unframed 2017 … Dame Esclarmonde
Small amendment to report. Exact numbers for the cost of lunch were not
reported due to Lady Sofia was out of the country. Lunch cost 90.74, not
50. So the total gain for the event as a whole is $411.76. Overall, the
event still made a decent profit. Their Excellencies, the Exchequer, and
the Seneschal have been sent a full amended report.
Arts Unframed 2018 … bid proposal from Milady Tabby
Date is tentative for October 6th, 2018. Event site is Kentridge High
With estimate of costs and potential gate; we are looking to make above
break even point of $390.
St. Bubba’s Feast … Event Steward Gwir
Website is up! http://www.geyercomputers.com/stbubba/
Pre-reg is now open!
Biggest need is to contact Chamberlain, Lord Rasmus, to look at Feast food
platters and dishes.
Gate Volunteers needed.
Possible Dance Practice … Mistress Sara
Mistress Sara addressed the populace regarding Dance Practice and if there
is any interests.
She is looking to hold practice in Federal Way – more to come!
Future Events?
Ever wanted to put on an event? Something new or traditional?
If you are interested in being an Event Steward, please talk to one of the
*** We can request 2 years in advance on the Kingdom Calendar.
End of Meeting.
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