[Wyewood] Input Requested from Our Populace - Reply requested by noon Friday 8/25

John de Percy johndepercy at holdren-net.us
Wed Aug 23 04:29:01 PDT 2017

I concur with what Rasmus has stated.  (I'm just too lazy to type it all out this AM)

John de Percy

-----Original Message-----
From: Wyewood [mailto:wyewood-bounces at lists.wyewood.org] On Behalf Of Seldon Norman via Wyewood
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 11:35 PM
To: Wyewood <wyewood at wyewood.org>
Subject: Re: [Wyewood] Input Requested from Our Populace - Reply requested by noon Friday 8/25

I could've swore that the Customary originally stated a current Champion cannot succeed themselves.  The intent was so that we did not have the same Champion(s) year after year, would have fresh enthusiastic Champions participating in promoting within the Barony the field they are Champion in, and to encourage new people to compete without having to compete against the current Champion. 
However, for some reason I've never been able to figure out, Wyewood typically does not seem to get large numbers of people competing for Champion.  Allowing the current Champion to compete allows for at least one more person competing.  And if the current Champion has been good for the Barony, it may be in the best interest of the Barony to allow them to compete to remain Champion. 
I see pros and cons either way. 
My opinion is to allow current Champions to succeed themselves with permission from the Baron and Baroness.  Their Excellency's can then decide if it is in the best interest of Wyewood to have a current Champion potentially succeed themselves.  However, if a current Champion is to compete, and potentially succeed themselves, they should not be picking the format of the tournament.  In this case it will have to be determined who selects the Tournament format, their Excellency's? 
Which will require a change to the Customary. 

----- Original Message -----

To the People of Wyewood, 

We have been recently notified that one of our champions has so enjoyed their tenure that they wish to defend their position.  After reviewing the Customary, we have determined that there is nothing clearly barring our Champions from doing so, we know that Wyewood has a tradition of not allowing Champions to succeed themselves. 

What say you? 

Please reply and tell us Yay (champions should be able to succeed
themselves) or Nay (champions should wait until the next tournament), and Why. 

With our Champions event being this coming Saturday, we ask that any commentary be sent to us before Noon on Friday, August 25. 

In Service We Remain, 

Baron Evrard and Baroness Alessandra 

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