[Wyewood] Are you ready for 12th Night? We can help! please forward this email far and wide

Kelli Bausch via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed Sep 7 12:29:40 PDT 2016



Whether you need inspiration, help, or just get it done kind of nudge please
come and join us for Part 1 in  series of classes.

**Sept 9, FCS: "Twelfth Night Outfit Prep: From Illumination to Garment", 
part 1." This week at FCS! Yes this Friday in Wyewood we will get started on
that special garb.

Join Adrianna the Fierce in figuring out a new outfit to make in time for 
Twelfth Night. In session one, we will talk about sources, scaling from an 
illumination, and rough pattern making tricks for clothing from early to 
about 1450. 

If you bring your pictures of chosen costumes, patterns you'd like to 
modify, crap fabric or muslin, sharpie, measuring tape, we can see how far 
along we can get each other in stage one, mapping it out. 

There will also be a support Facebook group for twelfth night new outfits to

help everyone when they get stuck and to share tips, trade fabrics, talk 
about where to get fabric, etc. Remember, you don't have to dress in your 
persona for twelfth night; you can do whatever you want.


Our FCS and Business meetings are held at the United Christian Church at
15509 116th Ave SE in Renton (near Benson Hill Elementary school).


In Service,

Lady Constantia in der Lachun

A&S officer for Wyewood 



Oct. 14 - FCS: "Twelfth Night Outfit Prep: From Illumination to Garment",
part 2." Are you ready for 12th Night Court? Is your court dress in need of
primping? by Adrianna the Fierce, the new Wyewood A&S Champion.

November 11th, FCS: "Twelfth Night Outfit Prep: From Illumination to
Garment", part 3." Are you ready for 12th Night Court? Is your court dress
in need of primping, by Adrianna the Fierce.  In the series of taking a
source to a wearable garment. Rectangular construction and How to get the
most out of your material. Actual cutting of pattern or fabric and start the



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