[Wyewood] Art & Science Championship at Wyewood Champions – August 6, 2016

M Wolfe via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon Jun 6 13:05:06 PDT 2016

Greetings from Master Rauthulfr, Wyewood A&S Champion; 

Unto all who wish to contend for the honor of becoming the next Wyewood A&S Champion; the competition will be held at Wyewood Champions on August 6, 2016 at the Wyewood Outdoor Archery Range! All competitors shall present themselves to the Baron and Baroness at opening court to declare their intention to contend for the championship. 

What are the Arts & Sciences? Perhaps, surprisingly, they are the foundation for much of what we do in the SCA.  We could not be an historical society, recreating the arts and skills of pre-17th century Europe without curiosity, research, and acts of creation. And that is precisely what A&S is all about. A&S is a way to feed our curiosity into what was done; why it was done; and how it was done. One of the important roles of our Barony is fostering that curiosity, and helping each of us is sharing our enthusiasm and our discoveries. We grow as a society when we share and learn from each other, and competition in the Arts & Sciences is nothing more than a formal way to share and learn.

Prior to the Championship, those wishing to compete must declare their intent by contacting Rauthulfr, the current champion, at Ulf-Gothi @ Hotmail . com. The email should include a brief description of their entry, and how much table space they need for their display.

What will happen at Wyewood’s A&S Championship? On the day of the event, entrants can show up early and set up their displays prior to opening court. And then, at court, all wishing to contend will present and declare themselves to the Baron and Baroness, and the populace. Prior to judging, the populace will have the opportunity to informally view the displays and ask questions with each entrant. Presentation before the judges usually takes about a half hour.

Oh, what’s basic documentation? Basic documentation is a brief statement describing the entry; the ingredients/materials/components; the sources/references used; and how it was made.

Oh, what’s an A&S display? An A&S display is a layout of a project with labels and documentation so that people can learn about it if the entrant is not there. It can include samples of steps along the way, materials used, and whatever else seems useful to share.

Oh, and feel free to ask whatever questions you may have prior to the event.

YIS Rauthulfr

Wyewood Champions will be held at the Wyewood Outdoor Archery Range on August 6th located at: 8621 S 180th St, Kent WA 98032 on August 6, 2016

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