[Wyewood] Fix the barons writers block Part 2 of 2

robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Jun 3 14:00:02 PDT 2016


Part 2.  What I've come up with so far. You are free to work on what I have, or go on a different path.


Baron Robert

HERALD: By way of their duty to the Crowns of An-Tir, to recognize the continuing accomplishments of the Citizens of Wyewood, the Coronets of Wyewood have established an award for those ( who practice the martial arts / who practice the arts and sciences / who provide the hard work and services) for the Barony and the Society. This award is known as the winged (fork / knife / spoon) of Wyewood.

CORONETS: Herald, please call our newest recipient into court.

HERALD: ____________________ you are summoned into this court. Come forward and kneel before your Excellencies. Recipient kneels

(name) in a previous court you were charged to be like the (fork, spoon, knife) and to continue your efforts in your (martial, A&S or service) path. We have received word from your peers and the populace that your skills have taken wing and have soared skyward.

(blah blah blah insert 2nd part here that fits with the first part and fits with the 1st level awards. blah blah blah.)

The coronets will hand the symbol of the Winged (fork / knife / spoon) to the recipient, raise them to their feet and allow them to leave their presence.

HERALD:Three cheers for the newest member of the Winged fork / knife / spoon of Wyewood!

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