[Wyewood] Upcoming FCS and Business Meeting

Amy Gembala via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon Dec 5 08:47:41 PST 2016

Greetings Wyewood.

This is a reminder that we will be holding our final business meeting of
the year this Friday, December 9th at the FCS site. Officers, we will most
likely need to hold a brief meeting prior to the general meeting so please
plan to be on-site by 7:10. The general business meeting will begin as soon
as the officers have concluded.

Any agenda items should be sent to me by noon on Friday, December 9th.

Officers - do not forget that this is the meeting where we are dealing with
the budget. Please make sure to forward any changes from last year's
numbers directly to the Exchequer prior to the meeting.

Those that have decided to apply for the Herald or Chief Archer position
please remember to send your applications to the coronets, the officer
whose job you are applying for, and myself.

In Service,

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