[Wyewood] Feast of St. Bubba - A Court of Love

Heather Lazzaretti via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Dec 3 17:39:52 PST 2016

Greetings! While the Yule Season is upon us, Wyewood is busy preparing 
for Feast of St. Bubba- A Court of love! The event on February 4, 2017 
is a fun filled day of constests, dancing, fighting and feasting.

I wish to put word out about two of the contest so that entrants may 
have time to prepare entries. Great fun and prizes to be had!

Please share with wild abandon!

Dirty Half Dozen Largess Contest:

Prizes will be awarded for Populace favorite entry and Their 
Excellencies’ favorite entry.  Lady Liadain will be coordinating the 
contest.  If you have any questions, please contact the Event Steward or 
Lady Liadain (email addresses are on the Contacts page)

Brewing Contest:

Entries will be judged on color, clarity, taste, and presentation.

Extra points will be given for documentation and period knowledge.

Ingredients should be listed for allergy reasons.

The contest is being run by Lady Talveen Kaur, who can be reached at:

froglover21778 (at) yahoo (dot) com

For information on a day of fun,please see the website:


Or contact the Event Steward Lady Avine de Hert or myself as Co-Steward, 
Baroness Gabri.

Watch for more announcements of event happenings in the coming weeks.

In Service and Joy,

Baroness Gabri

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