[Wyewood] Please Forward - Laurel Scavenger Hunt Arts Unframed Oct 8

Barbara via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Aug 30 20:08:28 PDT 2016

Please share with abandon with local groups. Below is a list of Laurels participating in the Laurel Scavenger Hunt at Arts Unframed on October 8 in Wyewood. This is an opportunity to meet Laurels on site to broaden your contacts and knowledge. Pick up a sheet at gate that lists the participating Laurels on site with their photos so that you can seek them out. Collect their signatures to earn a prize!

The following Laurels have agreed to participate so far:

Meester Spike Zoeteart - Pewter casting, stone mold carving, 15th c. Flemish costuming
Magistra Alianora de Wintringham - Research, cheese making, embroidery, costuming
Master Charles de Bourbon 14th- 16th c. clothing research, design and constructions
Master Guillaume de Garrigues - Equestrain arts, music, pageantry
Marquesa Laurellen de Brandevin - costuming, oil painting, embroidery, jewelry
Dame Madrun y Gwehyddes - Weaving, bookbinding, embroidery, leather tooling
Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol - Culinary, costuming
Mistress Ismenia Wysten - Scribal, storytelling
Maestro Giuseppe Giordano Maria Falconieri - Musical performance, accessing and interpreting period musical scores
Mistress Sine Gillian MacDonald - Maiolica Painting
Master Leith an Amhrenai dal gCais - Vocal and Instrumental Music
Mistress Elisabeth Blackdane - Costuming, esp 16th century; basic research

In Service,


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