[Wyewood] Wyewood Champions, the ones who make it happen

Heather Lazzaretti via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Aug 7 16:29:52 PDT 2016

The making and running of an event is mind boggling. I am so grateful to 
so many. Please let me know if I miss you in this list- I know I will. 
So many talents, so much service...

Thank you to Lord Xenos for stepping up as event steward and for putting 
up with a baroness who demanded kisses every time he wanted to address 
the populace. He organized the event stunningly, and despite a sprained 
ankle, kept it running smoothly. And he's hot.

Thank you to our former champions- Lord Heinrich, Lord Konrad, Arcos 
Daffyd, Master Rauthulfrand Yeoman Leo le Firce for designing and 
running the tournament to find their successor. Thank you to the 
additional marshals, Jacabo Don Enzio and Don Eagle, and to the multiple 
judges who assisted with Arts and Sciences.

Thank you so much to Lady Irene for running the lists.

Huge thank you to Arabella and Gabriel for running hospitality, and for 
Arabella for insisting a water break for the populace during what was 
our longest court.

Huge huge thanks to Lady Avine and Master Mir for the great skills in 
heralding and court organization. Avine, you made my life so easy, thank 
you. Mir, I loved how you made court run smoothly despite a randomly 
crying baroness, and how you tailored and changed each ceremony to help 
us make it personal as it should be. Thank you for all the town cries. 
Thank you to Lady Natasha for assisting as always as stunt herald and 

Thank you to Lady Vashti and Don Donatello for making sure everything we 
needed was present. Thank you Lady Vashti for running the very popular 
swap meet. Thank you both for feeding me coffee, and for helping me with 
our ending court dramatic enactment.

Thank you to Lady Miranda for creating the necklaces for awards.

Thank you to Lady Alamanda, Lady Catrione, Lady Vashti, Master Mir and 
the scribal team for creating scrolls that are a celebration.

Did I mention our event steward is hot? I really like him...

Thank you to Archos Evrard and Lady Alesandra for joining us in court. 
Thank you for the beautiful flowers and the loan of a sword.

Thank you to Lady Anne Mary Quinn for running a smooth and welcoming gate.

Many, many thanks to Lady Sophia for creating a beautiful and delicious 
lunch. Thank you to Lady Constantiaand Lady Symonnefor all the hard work 
you put in.

Thank you to the many who assisted in the setting up and taking down of 
the event.

Thank you to all who attended our event and shared your joy with us.

Thank you to our new members who took a chance with this craziness and 
liveliness that is the SCA. We hope to see you again soon.

In gratitude, love and service,

Baroness Gabrielle

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