[Wyewood] Congratulations to Adrianna new A&S champion

M Wolfe via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Aug 7 12:18:49 PDT 2016

Greetings from Master Rauthulfr
Yesterday, four well researched and executed entries were presented in competition for the Barony of Wyewood’s Arts and Sciences Championship. Each and every one demonstrating such talent that every one of the contenders would have served the Barony well served by any of the contenders.
Congratulations to HL Adrianna the Fierce, who did present a Hnefatafl game board painted with period style paints and well researched rules.
Out thanks to each and every one of the participants!
HL Yvette du Coeur who presented a 16th Century English kirtle;
HL Tanayle Haga, who presented fig and raisin pasties;
And, Lady Talveen Kaur, who presented Hygiene in the Middle Ages.
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

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