[Wyewood] Champions Schedule of events and copy

Pete or Xenos via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed Aug 3 10:23:37 PDT 2016

Join Their Excellencies Robert and Gabrielle for the 3rd Wyewood Baronial
Championships to be held at the Wyewood Archery Range in Renton on August
6th, 2016.

9am site opens
930am lists open
10am opening court
11am Heavy and Archery tourneys start, Rapier tourney will start 30 minutes
after the end of the Heavy or at 2pm, whichever is earlier.
12pm A&S competition starts
1pm Thrown weapons tourney starts.
4pm Closing court

There will be Heavy, Rapier, Archery and Thrown weapon Championship
contests. The Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship will be judged on site
as well.

Combatants must declare if they are competing for the championship at
opening court.

Heavy Format will be a round robin based on how many fighters.
Rapier will be two rounds, Rd#1 will be a round robin with the defender
choosing the format, Rd#2 will be a London Master's
Archery will be a 2 bow format 1st bow will shoot an IKAC, 2nd bow will
shoot novelties.
Thrown Weapons format is pending.

A ploughman's lunch will be available for $5 made by HL Sofia, please
contact her for dietary information. Payment for lunch will be taken at

The Great Wyewood Swap Meet 2 at Wyewood Champions August 6th!!!
Greetings! Thanks to the overwhelming success of last year’s Swap Meet we
are doing it again!!! You can bring anything SCA related! Garb, archery
stuff, bows, strings, quivers, arrows, camping gear, tents, day-shades,
pop-ups, cooking stuff, fabric, furniture, lanterns, games, ropes, armor,
crafty things, anything that you'd find at an SCA day event or camping
You need to keep an eye on your own stuff (or pay a kid to watch it for
you). Wyewood will not be responsible for any items that wander away.
You can bring a table to put your stuff on, or lay it out on a cloth on the
ground. Feel free to bring shade if it’s sunny.
You keep the money you make, but there will be a Bubba Can available for
donations to the Barony.Contact HL Vashti for details

Site fees will be for adults (17+) $12 for non-members, $7 for members.
Youth and Children are free

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