[Wyewood] An announcement from the Crown of An-Tir

robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Apr 10 17:36:37 PDT 2016

Greetings to the populace of Wyewood.

While her excellency and I attended Baroness War this

weekend we had the opportunity to meet with the

crown about our recent Baronial polling.

During the consultation, we all agreed with the

opinion of the crown that there was insufficient

support from the populace for Gabri and I to

continue with another term.

So, in the near future, the kingdom will be contacting

our seneschal and her deputy, to start the likely

months long  process to  select a new set of Baronial

Candidates.   Gabri and I will  continue to serve as your

coronets until this process is completed. No one has

any idea how long this process will take. But we

can make estimates using the the experiences of other

baronies to gauge from.

Now is the time for members of our populace to

consider who they would like to be the second Baron

and Baroness of our Wonderful Barony.  Think

seriously if any of you would like to volunteer for

the position.

We are both grateful for the opportunity to serve the

populace of Wyewood and the Crown. We have been

honored by the support and friendship of the populace.

I has been a fun ride and we've enjoyed every minute.

We will say now that neither of us are going anywhere.

We will still be around the Barony.  We will just be

serving in another way.

In Service to the Crown, Wyewood and the dream.

Robert (de la) Trinitie (the chickenhearted

Gabrielle Lepinay.

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