[Wyewood] Culinary - June
Mara Jensen via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Jun 13 12:52:23 PDT 2015
Good Day Lords & Ladies,
*Theme:* Soft Cheese
*When:* Wednesday June 24th 6pm - ?
*Location*: 4412 S 160th Street Tukwila, WA 98188 (please park on the
street in the pull outs)
Address is a little hard to see, but there is a yellow post in the shared
driveway with 4410 on it and I am the house in the front.
*What we are making:*We will be continuing prep as well as trying a new
soft cheese that's a little more spreadable.
*Each person participating must bring:*
1 ~ 1/2 gallon non-ultra pasteurized milk (pasteurized okay)
2 medium sized sealable containers to take cheese home in
1 small container of your favorite berries (fresh or frozen) can be brought
one of your containers
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Have a great weekend.
Maura da Vicopisano
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