[Wyewood] Selling my books today, many SCA-related.

Wendi Dunlap via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Apr 19 02:31:38 PDT 2015

Hi, all. I'm doing a sort of very specialized yard sale today. It's just 
books. Books, books and more books. And it's in my dining room, not my 
yard, anyway.

I mention this because I have SCA-related books and such. TONS of 
medieval history books, some costume, art, language, heraldry, etc.

I may have spent a bit more on books in my lifetime than was strictly 

Anyway, if you want to help me lighten the weight of my house a bit by 
removing books, come by this afternoon.

2921 17th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98144

This is on North Beacon Hill, so it's south of Downtown and not too hard 
to get to. I'm on the corner of 17th and Stevens.

Starting at 1 pm and running till at least 5 but probably longer... 
unless someone buys 'em all first.

Wenyeva atte grene, Wyewood

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