[Wyewood] FW: [Reeds] Baroness War: parking pass required

Natasha Orionova via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Apr 9 21:58:58 PDT 2015

An update/clarification.

Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 18:36:56 -0700
To: steinolf at gmail.com; reeds at antir.sca.org
Subject: Re: [Reeds] Baroness War: parking pass required
From: reeds at antir.sca.org

Fantastic! Thank you, Your Excellency! 

Sent on a Virgin Mobile Samsung Galaxy S® III

-------- Original message --------From: Steinolf  Date:04/09/2015  6:06 PM  (GMT-08:00) To: Sabina Di Zorzi  Subject: Re: [Reeds] Baroness War: parking pass required 
This has been clarified. If you are camping you don't pay for parking. If you are day tripping you do. http://baronesswar.webs.com/
On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Sabina Di Zorzi via Reeds <reeds at antir.sca.org> wrote:

Please note, from the Baroness War website:

must display your state park Discover Pass. 
If you do not have one, you can purchase a day pass at the park for $10
per day per vehicle.

This information is not currently on the Kingdom
Calendar’s event page, so please be sure to read through their entire event website
if you are going and don’t want to run into any surprises.  The link on the main Kingdom Calendar page is
not directing to the correct site, but they do have it listed in the details on
the Kingdom Calendar as baronesswar
(dot) webs (dot) com and
that one is working.  The above information was found on the Site Info

Be safe and have fun!

In service,

Lady Sabina di Zorzi


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