[Wyewood] Heraldry Class April 10

Barbara via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Apr 9 20:32:24 PDT 2015

The class will begin at 7:30.  Sorry, I forgot to include a time before!

> To: wyewood at wyewood.org
> Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 19:28:03 -0700
> Subject: [Wyewood] Heraldry Class April 10
> From: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
> Greetings Wyewood!
> At the FCS on Friday, April 10, I will hold the last
> installment of my basic heraldry class. 
> This series is great for those studying for sergeantry trials, those
> wanting to design their own devices and badges, those interested in joining the
> heraldic community and anyone who just likes to learn!  
> The upcoming lesson will include how to use and blazon the various
> types of charge groups that can appear in a device, such as primary, secondary,
> tertiary, overall, and strewn charges.  I
> will also discuss some common style issues. 
> Interactive blazon practice will be part of the instruction. There is no
> cost of the class. Bring note taking materials if desired.
> For those who may be wondering, I got few responses to my
> query about if April 10 was problematic. 
> One person said they could not go on April 10, and one said they could
> not go on May 8, which was the next option. Those being even I decided not to
> skip a month. 
> In Service,
> Esclarmonde de Porcairages
> Consulting deputy to Tvorimir Blak Shepe 		 	   		  
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